Friday, March 2, 2007

Snowy Friday

Today was a snowy, nasty day at work. To give you an idea of what a snow storm means for me, I have like eight mechanics that work on any given day. Work has been extremely busy so even with eight guys cranking all day, we never get completely caught up. Now take half of those eight- four complete guys all day and send them out to plow snow all day. That leaves eight guy's work to four guys. Sorry, but it can't be done. These are the days that Al gets pissed and can be hard to deal with. He knows he has no chance of catching up and it pisses him off, then he takes it out on other people. Then he sees some guy staring off into space or doing something that isn't important and he comes unglued. I used to think he was an asshole. Now, I totally get where he is coming from. I actually had a pretty good day at work for a day that should have completely sucked. I was left alone, the phone didn't ring as much as a normal Friday and I got quite a bit accomplished. Shooter was in rare form today! He says I am the dark side of the force and he is the good side! I hate to admit it, but I probably am the dark side. But really, Greg is a super nice guy! I might tease him and make fun of him but he is awesome! And so what if Farmer Bob is his father? We can't all be perfect, can we?
Julie got me thinking today with her comments on one of our blogs- she said Jerry and I had escapades that legends are made of when we were younger! How many people do you know that were in two full scale riots in Maine? I've seen shit that made me sick to my stomach and shit that made me want to punch people out. Through everything we have seen and done together, he and I never argued, never fought and really never disagreed. When we first met, we both liked to have fun- and we did, a lot! Then we both hooked up with our women about the same time and settled down- a lot! Then we both had families about the same time, started working our asses off for pennies, got better at the things we needed to get better at and are now assets for any company we decide to work for. We are very similar, our lives have followed similar but very different paths and now we are back together- older and wiser and better. I heard Toby Keith's 'I Ain't as Good as I Once Was' today and immediately thought of Jerry and I. I could so see us sitting in a bar and me saying to Jerry or vice versa I might not be what I once was but I am enough to kick that punk's ass! And the thing about it- the punk would totally remind both of us of us 15 years ago and then we'd laugh? Or we would go out and soak some old lady with puddle water! If you are out there, old lady- be afraid, be very afraid! If I could find a white '74 Mustang, I would drive around until I found that old hag and chase her up a hill again! Good times, my friend- good times! Later


Colleen said...

You may be the queerest, hokiest person that has ever lived. For real. I cannot even roll my eyes enough. If I tried, they would probably pop right out the top of my head.

Rick Jordan said...

Hey- someone has to be the good side and someone has to be the bad side! My side is cooler and darker so I do have my pluses! AJ is dark side, too!

Artistically Twisted said...

Colleen... you Totally Know that Old Lady had it coming!

Rick... I thought I was gonna have to fuckin' pick myself up off the floor because I got the visual of her hobbling up onto that little knoll as we were head for her {Laughs an "I am Soooo Going to Hell" Laugh}
Man Things like that you never forget but they slip to the back of your mind... and when they creep up on ya.... WHAM!
Dude... you need to tell me that again Sat night after a couple of drinks and I will be holding my sides rolling around on the floor!

I Have to say the Dark side is WAY cooler and darker!

Anonymous said...

I agree Colleen they are both a little queer and sappy...the issue is We chose them...married them...take care of them (wink wink) and love them...What does that say about us LOL...I think it makes us damn saintly sometimes. Oh I left out Bore their children LOL...God I can't wait for the story about the old lady and the mud puddle (add sarcasm here) I have not heard that one in like .... what a month? It is long over due :)

Colleen said...

ROFL Julie!! Maybe we can even get them to tell the drunk driving story where they TOTALLY got saved by the guys driving by throwing the bottle!

You are right though. He can't help who he is, but I CHOSE to marry

Artistically Twisted said...

Yeah I know if those punks hadn't pitched the bottle.... we would've been totally screwed!