Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ok, So I am Home From Work And...

Yummy Supper Is Sitting Out in the Kitchen!
And my mean wife won't let me eat it! She says it needs to sit for a little bit before we can eat it! We have never had it before but if it tastes as good as it smells, it should be very yummy! Ok, she just brought me some in and it IS very yummy! I want my daughter to make me some peanut butter cookies and with her not going to school tomorrow, she should have time! The high school next to where Jessi goes to school got a bomb threat and I told Colleen that Jessi is not going to school tomorrow! I am sorry but if there is even a small small chance that something could happen, she isn't going!

Tonight Is Idol!

I am SO hoping that this is the week Ass Hat Mangina goes home! I made a HUGE mistake last night! I went into bed after working out and taking a shower and watched Dancing with the Stars! Then, my wife came up to bed and caught me watching it! She ridiculed me, called me gay and basically shot down everything I have ever stood for! Well, that just made me think I was at work! I love Dancing with the Stars! I don't know what it is about that train wreck of a show! I like the Ali girl and the speed skater guy! Tonight is vote off night and I might have to flip over to see who goes home! I am hooked on the stupid show now but atleast I have something to watch on Mondays!

Work Isn't So Bad!

Work really has been pretty good this week! The new guy is pretty descent and even though he might not know anything yet, he can answer the phone, talk to people for me and basically take a lot of pressure and weight off me! Today was busy as hell but he did the things I needed him to do and I didn't feel all the pressure and stress on me that I would have had I been all alone! I also think the guy is going to be fine! Bill seems to get it and I think will be very good in time! And yes, that supper was as good as it smelled! It tasted very good and I would say is definitely a keeper! Can't wait for more variations of the fill stuff! Later


Colleen said...
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Colleen said...


All you have ever stood for is singing and dancing!!!?? Is there somethng you need to tell me!!?? LOLOLOLOLOL