Monday, March 12, 2007

Errrrrr Monday

Won't I be happy when I get some help and can take Monday's off like I used to! Mondays are the most helter skelter, bustily, busy day I have that isn't Friday! Fridays are still way worse but Monday is a close second. The shit always hits the fan and Al is never in a good mood and things just always seem to come uncoiled around 1PM. Of course, that would be 12 PM if we didn't have the priveledge of turning the clocks and screwing everybody out of an hour of sleep. I was like in a coma this morning- I forgot shit I never forget, couldn't get out of the house on time and genuinely wandered around like a zombie for the first hour of the day! I'm surprised I didn't cut my head off while trying to shave my bald head! Well, I have decided I will work out 730PM and then I will relax for the night- maybe play a little Wii and kick it! My wife got a cool new phone so I get her old one- hopefully, it will actually hold a charge! Dispatch is on the kick of trying to use the satellite feed to find trailers and it really isn't working that well! I am not that great at finding trailers yet so I am like no help at all! I did something I had never done last night- I turned the pager off and forgot to turn it back on and the friggin' thing went off twice! Figures, the damn thing doesn't go off all weekend until I turn it off and forget about it! Work was crazy today- it was roadcall day from hell! None of them were nice, easy fixes and they were all hour long projects that left me shaking my head! Well, enough bitching about work- I am off to check my e-mail, read some sports stuff and check some other blogs and then I am going up to work out! Later


Anonymous said...

When do you get your monday's back? It is just not right working 6 days a week!

Rick Jordan said...

I know it isn't- just ask Colleen! Hopefully, he will be here in April and I can have my Monday's back in April some time!

Rick Jordan said...

At least I'm not salary or I'd really get screwed!

Colleen said...

If you were salary there is no way in HELL I would have been letting it go on this long!!!!! And it better darn well be April!!!!

Artistically Twisted said...

Yeah I am sure that Sean & Jessi will be just as happy as Colleen to have the extra day back with ya too.