Monday, March 5, 2007

25th Anniversary

Today was actually pretty descent for a Monday! Jerry was at work for his first day, he road to work with me and I got a free supper at a surprise 25th anniversary party for my boss! The supper was REALLY good! I had the rib eye and it was excellent, and for dessert I had apple fritters with ice cream! My poor wife couldn't make it because she had root canal today and wasn't feeling up to going out! She got to have pot pies and play Wii! Jerry had a good first day at work- he met everyone, learned a bunch and got comfortable with what he is doing at Hartt. Jim was actually at the supper tonight and he said he likes Jerry a lot and is very happy to have his expertise and experience to work for him. Jim said he met Julie and Zack tonight when they came to pick Jerry up and that he thinks Jerry will fit right in on his team! Jeff thanked me for recommending Jerry and said that he really liked meeting him and that Jerry seemed like a perfect fit for our company! Rick P also said thank you and said he enjoyed meeting Jerry! Sounds like everyone is very happy and I think Jerry will fit right in and be an awesome fit for Hartt!
Man, I am so sore! I worked out yesterday but that isn't why I am sore! The Wii kicked my butt! My right arm and shoulder feel like I worked out for two hours! Man, I didn't think that as much as I work out that a video game would make me sore. Well, I was wrong on that one. I feel like I got run over by a truck so as soon as I finish blogging, I am going over and play some more! The tennis is the one that kicks my butt and I really like it! Leave it to Nintendo to make a system that works you out while playing a video game! What a concept! Well, I am off to play some games, take a shower and go to bed- I am picking up Jerry on my way to work and then I can finally give him a ride home tomorrow night! Glad you are fitting in at work and everyone likes you, Bro- I think you are a perfect fit at Hartt! Later


Artistically Twisted said...

I had a great day and everyone has been great!
Thanks again. see ya in the maornin' bro.

Artistically Twisted said...

I guess I should look at what I type before I hit publish.

Colleen said...

Colleen said...

Steps to finish a basement

Colleen said...


When you don't have to work 8 million hours a week :)