Sunday, February 18, 2007


Well, it is Sunday afternoon and I just got home from seeing Bridges of Terabithia with Jerry, Julie, Zack, my Mom, Jordan and of course my daughter, Jessi. The movie was very good but very sad- I won't say why sad unless someone else wants to see the movie. My whole plan was to go see a movie with my daughter and spend some quality time with her but Jerry and Julie wanted to take Zack and Mom wanted to go and Jordan went with Jessi. I had a blast though- I haven't gone to a movie with a big group like that in a very long time and it was nice having everyone there. We had great seats, everyone shared their food and drinks and paying only $5.25 for a movie isn't too bad. Jerry and I figured out that we just committed a first for us. Tonight was the first time Jerry and I have ever seen a movie together without having a pint of flask on one of us! That may be sad to some people but to Jerry and I, I call that progress! Jerry want us to get together for another movie when Spiderman 3 comes out and take Zack and Sean. That should be a blast and I can't wait. Well, as near as I can tell- six more days and I can have a day off! Halfway home right now! Man, I shouldn't have worked today- I could have used the day off more than the money. Amazing Race All Stars starts tonight and I love the amazing race! Jordan is spending the night here, too! Man, AJ was a freaking riot at work today! He had me busting a gut I was laughing so hard! He was in rare form today and came up with some really sick stuff! He wants to come back up here and there is nothing I can do to help him this time- they gave his position to Al's brother! He has his girl all talked in to moving up here and I can't help him. Man, that pisses me off! Well, off to shower, mix a drink and watch Amazing race with my amazing wife! Later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They can read my blog if they want to know how the movie ends LOL.....Sorry we all cut in like that man. I wasn't going to go either, but Zack didn't think I should stay home...He like to take me out on his dad's dime. :) I think though I will let just you boys go see Spiderman. I think that would be cool for you all. We did have awesome seats last night. I love the new set-up they have there now. I can't imagine working 2 weeks without a day off. Not healthy for you! And yes you and Jerry have made a lot of progress really haven't you!