Monday, February 26, 2007

Weird Day

Today was a weird day at work. Jerry was at my work, Colleen was at my work and I actually got a lot of things accomplished! AJ was in rare form as usual- he wants my help on a prank to pull on a guy in Auburn and I told him I would help him. Jerry interviewed for the job up to the other building and sounds like it went quite well! I did find out from him that Julie's grandfather passed away which was a total bummer- sorry Julie! Oh, I went to Grave's yesterday with the kids and they have a 2006 Chevrolet 1500 Z-71 pickup truck completely loaded! I drooled over that friggin' truck because it is exactly the pick-up I want! Some day, one of those will be mine- I guarantee you that! My wife is cooking pork chops and asparagus! Yummy! My wife is teaching a scrapbook class here at the house for three girls and she knows all of them so it should be totally awesome! Plus, she makes money for scrapbooking- how cool is that? That would be like me getting paid for hunting or fishing! I do hope to get paid for fishing when my son gets older and can go fish bass tournaments with me- then we can win prizes and money! That would be pretty cool to have a bass boat and go fishing with him and slay the bass!
I hope Jerry hears about the job tomorrow so he can do his thing down there and come back one last time to stay here where he belongs for good! Well, I did keep my word- I let him know the second I found something that suits him and gives him the chance to get back up here with his family! He needs to be up here- I honestly couldn't imagine going all week without seeing my wife and kids! Sean has a frog crammed down the front of his pants which makes him look like Farmer Bob- according to Alex anyway! Well, I am off to go eat supper, hang out with my kids and watch some TV! Until tomorrow, Later!

1 comment:

Artistically Twisted said...

I hope to hear tomorrow as well.
I think it went well.
I can't thank you enough!
The Farmer Bob thing had me crackin' up man.
Thanks for the directions today By the way.