Sunday, February 25, 2007

WOW- What a Good Day!

First, I met some people at Jerry and Julie's party last night that I had never met before. I have known Jerry and Julie for years and years and know that I couldn't offend them. Not to make excuses for myself, but I work with 11-12 guys every day- not a woman anywhere in site and we swear and we are dirty and we are MEN! So, I get to a party, get some drinks in me and quite honestly would talk about anything! Sometimes I don't think about the things I say- ok, most the time I don't think about what I say! So, if I offended anyone last night with my crude talk, I apologize! I don't usually talk like that! Oh, who am I fooling? I do talk like that but usually my wife is my buffer to make sure I don't get out of hand. She didn't say anything to me so maybe I wasn't that bad.
Today was an awesome day! I woke up early- had the remnants of a very small hangover so I took an aspirin, made coffee and took a shower. My kids came back home around 9AM after spending the night at B and Grampa's. I loaded up the trash to go to the dump and was loading the stuff off the porch when I noticed that I had to climb the mountain that the kids slide on to get to the car. Well, I saw the sled sitting on the porch so I grabbed it and slid down the hill like the kids do! You would have thought I murdered someone out in the driveways! The kids came running out, Colleen came running out with her camera! Heck, all I did was slide down the hill. Well, I got all my trash to the dump and helped Sean to slide down the hill and then we came back inside for lunch. I made toasted cheese sandwiches and was just finishing up when I felt a migraine coming on. I thought that was weird since I haven't had a migraine for like 10 years! Well, they say that when you get a migraine, it is related to a problem with your eyes, throat or ears. I went upstairs and took my contacts out, ate my lunch and took a nap with Sean. We woke up when Mom got home and we talked to Nicole for a bit then we went to the store to get snacks and stuffing. We got back here, Colleen started supper, Nicole left and I went to work out, finished working out, had a shower and just ate a wonderful supper- very yummy, Honey! Now, I have 30 minutes and Amazing Race is on!
Ok, time for the awards for last night's party!
Best non-drinkable stuff- Colleen
Best drinkable stuff- 7&7
Texas Holdem- Charity
Best host- Julie and Mindy
31- Jerry
Best girl I danced with but don't remember- Sarah
Best package- Bob the Farmer
Best prize- really was a toss up- all the prizes were great but I'll say the level
Best line of the night- "I miss Sean"
Best food- mozzarella sticks- they were gone in like two seconds!
Best cigarettes- the Camel Lights Jerry had- way better than Marbs
Well, there they are! Hope everyone is happy with where I put them! Later


Anonymous said...

Rick you were absolutely fine...You were yourself...and if you didn't notice we were all laughing! I have to say though the best line for me was "rape me in my sleep" or anything about the shiny head ROFLMAO....Colleen deserves a good drink on though! She put up with a lot of our crap!...Maybe that is why she kicked our asses in Spoons! Anyway thank you for coming. Sorry I did not write to you sooner...Been a rough time for me ...J~

Artistically Twisted said...

NOT "Shiny" .... Lacquered Head!


Colleen is just plain Smooooooooooooooooth when it comes to spoons!

I Think you were fine! i don't think you were even the slightest bit outta line... I do agree with Julie though.... I think the "Rape me While I sleep" was my favorite line too!

And toasted cheese sandwiches are the bomb!!!!

Artistically Twisted said...

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude... we are SO playing wiffleball against the kids this summer!!!

That may be a main event at the 4th of July party I am thinking. :D