Monday, February 19, 2007

Mundane Monday

Well, today was Monday at work. Not really to me since I worked Saturday and Sunday so it was more like a continuation of Monday. Five more days and I can have a day off from that place. Al wasn't there today and I was busy as usual. Todd helped me out a bunch today though so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Everyone was in a bad mood today- up to the other building and down to the shop. I don't know what was going on with that! I was looking forward to my wife and I working out together for the first time tonight, but she already worked out earlier today. I want to tell Sean that we are going to see Spiderman 3 as soon as it comes out in May with Jerry and Zack but he doesn't get the whole May thing and would ask me every day if it was May yet. We watched the trailer for the movie tonight and he seems pretty excited to see the movie. One month from today is Colleen's birthday and I think we need to have a big party for it. I can have everyone over and we can drink and have fun and Colleen can get presents! Sounds like fun to me! I wish my wife would tell me what she wants for her birthday- hint, hint! Actually, there are only a few people I would invite- Nicole, Jerry and Julie, Tim and Kristie and my brother and Sarah. I wonder if my parents would get mad if I didn't invite them. Well, I guess I should invite them, too even though they would be uncomfortable with everyone drinking. Who am I fooling? Colleen will read and this and say no to a birthday party for her so I guess it is probably a stupid idea- unless she does want a party then it is a brilliant idea. LOL. I could get a Dairy Queen ice cream cake and some Captain Morgan premium blend rum. My wife doesn't know it but Captain Morgan rum is her weakness- she has it and I get it if you know what I mean. LOL. The only problem is the last time we had rum- not Captain Morgan but some cheap rip off, she got a headache and hasn't drank rum since. I think she knows that it was because it was cheap rum but she might be cautious about drinking any rum again. I like rum- it has the same effect on me that it does on my wife- it makes me horny as hell! LOL. Well, this was a very silly, simple ramble of a blog- had no rhythm to it and it was all over the place. Sorry for the rant but it is my blog! Later


Colleen said...

LOL... How many times can you say the word "rum" in one blog entry??

Rick Jordan said...

Oh, I could have said it more- don't dare me! You didn't answer me about the party- so is that a yes or no?

Anonymous said...

rum-rum-rum-rum rum rum ...... Yummy rummy... LOL... We would love to come over if you have a party... and Rick you could get her a gift card to A.C. Moore then she can get some scrapbook stuff...and you don't have to pick out something she wont want :) I know I am hard to buy gifts for also...Jerry always asks me what I want and to write it down for him right down to the serial number on the package if I know it.