Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Only Wednesday?

Somewhere along the lines of working today, I was realized it was only Wednesday! I thought or more appropriately had convinced myself that today was indeed Thursday, March 1. What a bummer to find out that I still have three more days left this week before I get a day off! In the immortal words of Farmer Bob- 'That hay feeder is for Del and he's going to pissed if it ain't done when he gets back here!' In normal person terms, that means that the hay feeder is for Del Hartt- the founder of my company and either Bob really needs it or Del is coming back from Florida soon and Bob doesn't want to be the one telling him why it isn't at the farm! I am under the impression that penis size definitely does not coincide with brain size! Farmer Bob is the same man who locked himself in a grain silo for six hours yelling and beating on the wall for someone to let him out! I bet he drew mathematic equations and formulas for special powers in the grain with a stick(ok, we'll call that weapon a stick) then erased them before anyone found him!
I really want to buy something. I have no clue what it is that I have to have but I am dying to buy myself something! Maybe a pair of turkey hunting pants or a new turkey call- something to convince myself that better weather is coming and turkey season is just around the corner!
We have been talking about buying a new game system for the family but I don't think we will be able to agree on one so that probably isn't going to happen anytime soon. I did realize that I worked out last night and don't have to work out tonight so that is a bonus! My wife worked out today- great job, Honey! Tonight is Jericho and Lost and American Idol so I will have to tape Idol and watch it tomorrow with Jessi. Maybe I can get one of those new turkey decoys that look just like tom turkeys all puffed out! Maybe that will be enough to get one of those big gobblers close enough to plug with my shotgun! I have turkey fever right now- not sure if it is the bolt of warm weather this week or if I am just anxious! I really want that Mossberg shotgun at Walmart! I would rather have that shotgun than a deer rifle like my Dad wants to get! I don't have my own turkey gun and that season comes way quicker than deer season.
Stay patient, Jerry- they say they are going through the normal processes and that they will let you know when the search is done! In other words, sit tight, cross your fingers and hope I have as much pull in that place as I think I do! Thank you for the kind words about expressing how much I enjoy working their! They eat that shit up and it is true! I am really getting sick of waiting and waiting for help to come! They said February, then March and now April! If they push it off again, I really might shoot somebody! I really don't know how much longer I can keep doing the six days thing with only one day off! It really drains me and I go to bed at like 9PM! That is cheating my wife of her other day off with me plus like two hours at night because I go to bed! Oh well, I am pretty sure I can make it another month or so. Plus, they will owe me big time come raise time and I like that! You know what I should buy? My hunting and fishing license! I could take Sean ice fishing before the season ends and I am sure he would eat it up! We could go catch perch somewhere and he would like getting flags all day and pulling fish onto the ice! I will have to talk to Dad and see if his stuff is all ready to go and maybe we can go this weekend or next.

1 comment:

Artistically Twisted said...

Sitting tight was worth the wait!

No problem on the kind words Brother...
It was you talking about the place and how happy you were that got me interested Long before a position was even a thought. :D

Thanks again man!!!!