Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Day(Valentine's Day)

Today was a very snowy, nasty Valentine's Day! It was just starting to snow when I left for work and it snowed all day! There is 5-6 inches of snow on the ground right now and it is supposed to snow into the night! The wind is supposed to howl up to 40 MPH tonight and snow will be drifting all around! We haven't had a good snow storm like this in Maine for at least a year- probably longer and I really don't miss it. I don't like driving in the snow- I don't worry about myself, I have four wheel drive and know enough to drive slowly and carefully. I worry about the people who don't know how to drive in the snow, drive too fast and don't know how to stop in the snow. If they tailgate you or drive too fast and lose control, they can wreck you just as easily. Jessi was very excited to have a snow day from school even though she has gone to school one day in two weeks! Spoiled little Jessi- and she is on vacation next week! I got my wife a new fish tank for Valentine's Day and put that together last night after working out. I feel like I got run over by a train my arms and shoulders hurt so bad. I weighted 177 pounds when I left for Disney and weighed 182 when I got back. I weighed myself after working out last night and somehow weighed 176.5 so I guess all that walking down there did help. I like this weight. I wear a 32 waist and feel good and comfortable at this weight. Shooter gets a finger up his ass on Friday and he really shouldn't have told me. I think I made 100 jokes about just that today! My favorite one by far is he should start worrying if the doctor starts 'probing' him with both hands on his shoulders! Jessi and I are going to see Bridge to Terabithia on Sunday and I think she is excited. It is all she has talked about for weeks except for Disney and I would like to take her to it and have fun with her. I realized some things when we were all together at Disney for such a long period- my little girl is growing up and I am often too busy to notice and appreciate her. She is a wonderful daughter! She is great with brother most the time, she helps out and although she has her grumpy moments(must get those from Dad) she is a joy to be with. I work very hard and very long hours and my son idolizes the ground I walk on. I need to do things at least once a month that are just Jessi and Dad things- like a movie or dinner or shopping. Jessi is going to be a grown woman some time soon and I don't want her to say that she never got to know or spend time with her Dad because he worked too much. I can't stop working as much as I do- well I can and will cut back to a more normal five days when I get help but work expects a lot out of me and knows that I will be there and be reliable. I make good money and am taken care of because they know I will do that. My son and I have lots of things that we do together- hunt, fish, walk in the woods, go riding around looking for animals. Jessi and I don't have our things that we do together other than Idol. That is probably why I love Idol so much- it isn't really the show as much as it is the time spent with Jessi. I can't believe she is 11 years old! It seemed like she was just born the other day! She will be in high school before I know it and her childhood will be behind her. For that, I am very happy for our Disney trip. My parents are coming home tomorrow at 230 PM from Florida finally! Mom is fine and should be no worse for wear. I think we need to set up Saturday night either here or at Jerry's for a get together- I missed both of them a lot when we were gone and I need to spend some time with them and talk about our trip and plan our new trip! YES! Later


Colleen said...

Paragraphs are our friends :)

Glad you are taking Jessi to the movies this weekend. if I could just get rid of Sean too for the

Artistically Twisted said...

Dude I wanna take Zack to see Bridge to Terabithia!
I don't wanna get in the way of You and Jess time but thought that was funny... because everytime Zack and I see the commercial we stop and watch it.

We def. need to play catch-up on Saturday We can either flip a coin for it or let the wives decide where we base it!

I am glad your folks are coming home and that your Mom is doing good!

I know what you mean about the time dissapearing with the kids... seems like a blink and they jump through years.

I am sure we can come up with a few more "Probing" refs for you to take back to work when we get together.

and we both missed you guys when you were gone.

Anonymous said...

The fact that you think about your daughter and make time for her is really cool. And she will always remember it. I am here with Zack and he seems to grow over night. He is 4'11"...I mean how did that happen. He's gonna be looking me eye to eye by the time he turns 11 at this rate. I will talk to Colleen and we will pick the place. And Colleen I can watch Shawn if you need a break...I don't know if he would spend the night, but you don't live that far away. Let me know.

Artistically Twisted said...

There seems to be a misconception that I was inviting Myself Along...
That was NOT how I intended it to come out...
I was meaning for it to more be a statement along the lines of "Great Minds Think alike."

Seeing as that film was something that Rick & Jessi wanna see...
and Other than Kelly Lebrock (sp?) I haven't seen him stop what he is doing during a commercial break for quite awhile.