Saturday, February 3, 2007

All Done- Time to Party

Well, work is all done until a week from Tuesday! We are off to Disney tomorrow morning! Woo hoo! Man, do I need a vacation! Work has been extremely hectic since AJ left and I need the time to regroup. Speaking of the gay one, after texting back and fourth today on who is gayer, he showed up at 3PM. He is definitely gayer if there ever was any question. We shot the shit and I thanked him for covering for me. Good to see him again, although he didn't have any pictures of his boy. Slacker. And he's gay! He won't admit it but he is definitely gay. I am ready for 70 degrees and sun! We had snow here today and it took me 45 minutes to get to work- even with four wheel drive! I hope AJ has a good week and keeps everything caught up so I won't be swamped when I come back! I hope Indy wins in a low scoring game so Joey and I win the Super Bowl pool. Then throw in me winning a couple of squares and Sunday would be perfect. I think I will go eat something, work out and take a shower and settle in with a drink. That sounds like an excellent way to start my vacation! Yes, honey- after I change the light bulb and gather up the trash. My brother is picking us up at 7AM to go to the airport! We will be in Disney aroung 430PM I think. OK, enough rambling for tonight- I am off to be productive and geet ready for tomorrow! Later

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