OK, Last Year At This Time...
We had the deer getting hit by a car on the way to work when I REALLY pissed my wife off and brought it home! This year's deer getting hit by a car has a happier ending- well, not for the deer but for me! Jerry and I were driving home in MY CARRRRR! I like the sound of that! So, we are driving down 202 and there were cars parked on both sides of the road and a lady holding something in the middle of the road! Jerry said, "did someone get hit in the road?" I looked and was pretty sure I could see ears on whatever she was holding down! She had obviously hit a deer and broken three of the deer's legs! The deer was not cooperating with the lady and she was trying to push it out of the road! I told Jerry that I should stop and kill it before someone runs it over or gets hurt! It was a pretty good size buck and if it had two legs, someone would have got hurt! I decided not to stop and cut a deer's throat while like ten people watched me! It would have been pretty gruesome and they don't usually die right off when you do that! I thought about shooting it but I don't carry guns with me to work unless it is deer season! I took the higher road and just drove off, leaving the poor lady trying to push the deer out of the road! I am sure the cops showed up eventually and put the poor thing out of its misery! He was not going to be OK with 3 of 4 legs broken! Plus, I would have been tempted to bring it home and we all know how THAT turns out! LOL. Work was pretty good today! I need to go work out then watch Jericho then watch Survivor! I also need to do some laundry- Nicole just dropped off a big old bag of her clothes! LOL and I need to get them washed so she has bras and panties for tomorrow! Night

ROFL... I read it last night but you lost me about halfway through, so I never saw the end. You are a NUT!!! And what are you talking about "Survivor"???? That's on THURSDAYS you moron!
My dad did worked a motor paper route for many years. He would deliver papers from about 2:00a.m to 5:00a.m. Anyway, he often times would end up with a deer in the trunk because he would find a half dead deer on the side of the road in the middle of the night. Nobody to tell him NOT to take it so we would wake up to a deer hanging in the back yard!! HAHA!
Did you hear Jericho is canceled... again! oh well. The
2nd half kinda sucks.
Yeah- I tried to cut the week by a day again! Yes- I heard it was canceled again! They ended it WAY to rushed! They tried to pack like three seasons into three episodes! I learned my lesson! I don't bring stray deer home anymore!
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