Balance a muffin on their nose? LOL. Enjoying my Sunday off! Have started laundry, gone to the dump and cooked breakfast! We cleaned the kitchen and are now vegging in the den! My wife is watching Trading Spouses and I am blogging and listening to Rhapsody. Colleen is going out for lunch with Nicole for her birthday. I need to run upstairs and do a quick workout and then take a shower! I also need to run up to Dick's and get a few things for opening day= hooks, spinners and sinkers and maybe some lighter line should do me! $20 should cover it! I heard Tuesday is going to be 50 degrees! I like the sounds of that! Well, off to get my laundry switched around and throw down a quick work out! Later
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Balance a muffin on their nose? LOL. Enjoying my Sunday off! Have started laundry, gone to the dump and cooked breakfast! We cleaned the kitchen and are now vegging in the den! My wife is watching Trading Spouses and I am blogging and listening to Rhapsody. Colleen is going out for lunch with Nicole for her birthday. I need to run upstairs and do a quick workout and then take a shower! I also need to run up to Dick's and get a few things for opening day= hooks, spinners and sinkers and maybe some lighter line should do me! $20 should cover it! I heard Tuesday is going to be 50 degrees! I like the sounds of that! Well, off to get my laundry switched around and throw down a quick work out! Later
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Saturday Night!
Night of the week! Another week is down the drain and I have tomorrow OFF! Tuseday is opening day of fishing season and the plan is for Amos and I to go fishing after work! If everything works out right, we may even catch a few trout! My wife is sick and at the Spring Fair with the kids now so I am all alone at home, bored out of my mind! I am going to work out in a few minutes! I was not feeling cooking anything when I got home so I ran down to Frank's and got a couple of pieces of pizza and had pizza and smart food for supper. I was hurrying like crazy to leave work at 5 PM but my wife called and said they were staying to watch Sophie dance so I stopped rushing and stayed until almost 6 PM. I would have shot out of there at 5 if everyone had been home but I didn't really want to rush home to an empty house! I have to go to the dump tomorrow and start getting stuff organized so I can get the basement sorted out so Jessi can have her jam place down there! I need to start doing more stuff around the house but I work so friggin' much that it is hard! I need one day of rest just to get me back on track for the week! Well, off to punish my body and make my muscles hurt! Night
Friday, March 28, 2008
Today Is Friday...
And I have to say I feel much better today! I felt like crap yesterday but I felt semi-normal today! Unfortunately my wife has this crap now! I have to work tomorrow as I do every Saturday! I have to say it is quite nice to have my car back! I still have a couple of things I would like to do to it like the rust spots and wiper on the back but it is much more normal with my car! Well, I really am not feeling this blog tonight so I am off to watch a movie or something and then go to bed! Night
And I have to say I feel much better today! I felt like crap yesterday but I felt semi-normal today! Unfortunately my wife has this crap now! I have to work tomorrow as I do every Saturday! I have to say it is quite nice to have my car back! I still have a couple of things I would like to do to it like the rust spots and wiper on the back but it is much more normal with my car! Well, I really am not feeling this blog tonight so I am off to watch a movie or something and then go to bed! Night
Thursday, March 27, 2008
That Is Me Today!
I feel like shit and my head feels like it is going to explode! I cough every ten minutes and I can't smell or taste anything! My nose is all stuffy and I can't breath either! I was grumpy all day at work! Little things that usually don't bother me were REALLY pissing me off! My wife is tucking the kids in right now and then we are going to watch 'I Am Legend'! Colleen says she heard that it is really good and she has been dying to see it! I need some rest and a day or two off so I can get over this stupid cold! Tomorrow is Friday so it is definitely coming! I did manage to fold all the clothes in laundry room and take care of the trash so I haven't been a complete waste of space! Well, off to watch the movie! Reviews coming on tomorrow's blog! Night
I feel like shit and my head feels like it is going to explode! I cough every ten minutes and I can't smell or taste anything! My nose is all stuffy and I can't breath either! I was grumpy all day at work! Little things that usually don't bother me were REALLY pissing me off! My wife is tucking the kids in right now and then we are going to watch 'I Am Legend'! Colleen says she heard that it is really good and she has been dying to see it! I need some rest and a day or two off so I can get over this stupid cold! Tomorrow is Friday so it is definitely coming! I did manage to fold all the clothes in laundry room and take care of the trash so I haven't been a complete waste of space! Well, off to watch the movie! Reviews coming on tomorrow's blog! Night
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Deer Story #2

OK, Last Year At This Time...
We had the deer getting hit by a car on the way to work when I REALLY pissed my wife off and brought it home! This year's deer getting hit by a car has a happier ending- well, not for the deer but for me! Jerry and I were driving home in MY CARRRRR! I like the sound of that! So, we are driving down 202 and there were cars parked on both sides of the road and a lady holding something in the middle of the road! Jerry said, "did someone get hit in the road?" I looked and was pretty sure I could see ears on whatever she was holding down! She had obviously hit a deer and broken three of the deer's legs! The deer was not cooperating with the lady and she was trying to push it out of the road! I told Jerry that I should stop and kill it before someone runs it over or gets hurt! It was a pretty good size buck and if it had two legs, someone would have got hurt! I decided not to stop and cut a deer's throat while like ten people watched me! It would have been pretty gruesome and they don't usually die right off when you do that! I thought about shooting it but I don't carry guns with me to work unless it is deer season! I took the higher road and just drove off, leaving the poor lady trying to push the deer out of the road! I am sure the cops showed up eventually and put the poor thing out of its misery! He was not going to be OK with 3 of 4 legs broken! Plus, I would have been tempted to bring it home and we all know how THAT turns out! LOL. Work was pretty good today! I need to go work out then watch Jericho then watch Survivor! I also need to do some laundry- Nicole just dropped off a big old bag of her clothes! LOL and I need to get them washed so she has bras and panties for tomorrow! Night

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
NOT Going To Be A Good Day!
I Am Absolutely Exhausted!
I am sick, I didn't get home until 2 AM from fixing my car and I could fall asleep just sitting here at the computer! The good news is my car is DONE! I also got a text message while working on it that Tim and Kristie are HOME OWNERS! How cool as that? Congrats to Tim and Kristie on their new house! Well, off to an absolutely shitty day at work! Me exhausted and no Alex will make for a LONG day! Later
I am sick, I didn't get home until 2 AM from fixing my car and I could fall asleep just sitting here at the computer! The good news is my car is DONE! I also got a text message while working on it that Tim and Kristie are HOME OWNERS! How cool as that? Congrats to Tim and Kristie on their new house! Well, off to an absolutely shitty day at work! Me exhausted and no Alex will make for a LONG day! Later
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
So, Last Night Was...
Colleen's birthday party and I have to say I had a great time! The kids are searching for Easter eggs now that they have found their baskets! I have to go into work tonight and start putting my engine together! I feel like crap right now! I have a sore throat and a headache and I can feel sickness coming on! Well, off to kick my wife's butt at GH 3 and Touch the TV in the Back!
Colleen's birthday party and I have to say I had a great time! The kids are searching for Easter eggs now that they have found their baskets! I have to go into work tonight and start putting my engine together! I feel like crap right now! I have a sore throat and a headache and I can feel sickness coming on! Well, off to kick my wife's butt at GH 3 and Touch the TV in the Back!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Warmer Weather?
Today Is Friday...
But it definitely didn't feel like the first Friday of spring! The wind was brutally cold! Hard to believe fishing season opens a week from Tuesday! Today was surprisingly good for a Friday at work! Especially with Al gone! Tomorrow is my wife's birthday party and I have been looking forward to that all week! I can't get crazy because I am on call but I can still have fun and hang out with people I enjoy hanging out with! Colleen and Jessi had a blast at the concert and Sean and I had a nice night visiting with B and Grampa and playing games! I have done really well this week working out! I have really pushed myself and I feel good! Sunday will be ok until 5 or so and then I get to spend the night fixing my car! Can't say I am looking forward to that! Well, off to watch The Mist with my wife and go to bed! Night
But it definitely didn't feel like the first Friday of spring! The wind was brutally cold! Hard to believe fishing season opens a week from Tuesday! Today was surprisingly good for a Friday at work! Especially with Al gone! Tomorrow is my wife's birthday party and I have been looking forward to that all week! I can't get crazy because I am on call but I can still have fun and hang out with people I enjoy hanging out with! Colleen and Jessi had a blast at the concert and Sean and I had a nice night visiting with B and Grampa and playing games! I have done really well this week working out! I have really pushed myself and I feel good! Sunday will be ok until 5 or so and then I get to spend the night fixing my car! Can't say I am looking forward to that! Well, off to watch The Mist with my wife and go to bed! Night
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Happy Birthday!
To My Wonderful Wife!
She is 29 again today! LOL. Jessi and Colleen are going to their concert tonight and Sean and I will be all alone tonight! He is going to B and Grampas until I get out of work and then we are coming home! I will have the parts for my car today but I don't see getting it done until Sunday! Saturday is Colleen's birthday party and 8 PM is the earliest we could start on it during the week! Well, off to work! Honey- have a wonderful birthday concert and I won't see you until tomorrow! Later
She is 29 again today! LOL. Jessi and Colleen are going to their concert tonight and Sean and I will be all alone tonight! He is going to B and Grampas until I get out of work and then we are coming home! I will have the parts for my car today but I don't see getting it done until Sunday! Saturday is Colleen's birthday party and 8 PM is the earliest we could start on it during the week! Well, off to work! Honey- have a wonderful birthday concert and I won't see you until tomorrow! Later
Monday, March 17, 2008
Weird Day!
I got out of work at 4 PM which was really cool! Colleen and I both worked out together! I ate old pasta salad for supper and still feel fine! My wife is watching her stupid Monday shows and I think I am heading out to play some GH3. Well, off to playing games! Night!
I got out of work at 4 PM which was really cool! Colleen and I both worked out together! I ate old pasta salad for supper and still feel fine! My wife is watching her stupid Monday shows and I think I am heading out to play some GH3. Well, off to playing games! Night!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
It Is 1:18 AM and...
I just got home from tearing my entire engine apart! I am absolutely exhausted but I am over tired now and don't think I will be able to sleep for another half hour or so! Today was CRAZY at work! We were swamped and I only had five mechanics on duty! Somehow, we cranked out a shit load of work, Ray and I worked until almost six then we spent 6 hours tearing my car apart! I know my limit is 18 hours straight without stopping because I was DONE at 1230AM! I do have plans tomorrow! The kids and I are going to the Sportsman Show in the morning! I am planning on working at least some on Monday! I have to get my heads checked out and then put them back on so I can have my car back! Ray said everything else in the engine looked fine- even after overheating it and that I caught it just in time because the coolant had starting getting into the oil! Working on stuff is HARD! My hands hurt, my back hurts, I am sore all over! Well, off to read some blogs and go to bed! Night
I just got home from tearing my entire engine apart! I am absolutely exhausted but I am over tired now and don't think I will be able to sleep for another half hour or so! Today was CRAZY at work! We were swamped and I only had five mechanics on duty! Somehow, we cranked out a shit load of work, Ray and I worked until almost six then we spent 6 hours tearing my car apart! I know my limit is 18 hours straight without stopping because I was DONE at 1230AM! I do have plans tomorrow! The kids and I are going to the Sportsman Show in the morning! I am planning on working at least some on Monday! I have to get my heads checked out and then put them back on so I can have my car back! Ray said everything else in the engine looked fine- even after overheating it and that I caught it just in time because the coolant had starting getting into the oil! Working on stuff is HARD! My hands hurt, my back hurts, I am sore all over! Well, off to read some blogs and go to bed! Night
Friday, March 14, 2008
Week Almost Done
I Know, Not Quite!
As usual, I have to work tomorrow like I do every Saturday and I have to work on my car after work, too! I am so excited to have my car back on Tuesday! I am on call this weekend which totally sucks but Saturday night will be easy on call- because I will be at work! I never thought I would miss my stupid car so much but I really do! Work has been ok this week- even in the absence of Ty who was out pretty much all week! I wish they would just be smart and bring AJ back up to Bangor where he belongs! I am looking forward to Sunday off and some rest! I keep thinking we are getting closer to spring all the time but I don't know! It is nice one day, then cold, sunny and warm, then snowing! I am SO ready for spring! Well, off to work out then play a game with my son! Night!
As usual, I have to work tomorrow like I do every Saturday and I have to work on my car after work, too! I am so excited to have my car back on Tuesday! I am on call this weekend which totally sucks but Saturday night will be easy on call- because I will be at work! I never thought I would miss my stupid car so much but I really do! Work has been ok this week- even in the absence of Ty who was out pretty much all week! I wish they would just be smart and bring AJ back up to Bangor where he belongs! I am looking forward to Sunday off and some rest! I keep thinking we are getting closer to spring all the time but I don't know! It is nice one day, then cold, sunny and warm, then snowing! I am SO ready for spring! Well, off to work out then play a game with my son! Night!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Weird Day
I Got Up...
Extra early so I could drive my car into work and start working on it! My wife scoffed that it wouldn't start! Well, I proved her wrong! I got it started and made it to Dad's house before it overheated twice! I would have been three hours trying to get to work so I threw in the towel, called Jerry then it had towed into work! I am glad it is at work now! I have the parts and Ray and I will be starting on it very soon! It will be SO nice to have my car back! I am sure Jerry and Julie can't wait, either! I got home to an empty house! They are all out shopping so I worked out, cooked some supper and thought I would blog and then go take a shower! I want to watch Jericho when I get done my shower since last week was unreal and I can't wait to see what happens this week! They put it on at 10 PM now and I just can't make it! Oh well, getting old I guess! Night
Extra early so I could drive my car into work and start working on it! My wife scoffed that it wouldn't start! Well, I proved her wrong! I got it started and made it to Dad's house before it overheated twice! I would have been three hours trying to get to work so I threw in the towel, called Jerry then it had towed into work! I am glad it is at work now! I have the parts and Ray and I will be starting on it very soon! It will be SO nice to have my car back! I am sure Jerry and Julie can't wait, either! I got home to an empty house! They are all out shopping so I worked out, cooked some supper and thought I would blog and then go take a shower! I want to watch Jericho when I get done my shower since last week was unreal and I can't wait to see what happens this week! They put it on at 10 PM now and I just can't make it! Oh well, getting old I guess! Night
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
New Week
I Feel...
A little better but my stomach felt like crap last night! I need to work out tonight, get my van to work tonight and start tearing my van apart tonight! NOT looking forward to that! Well, Jerry should be here any minute to pick me up so I will TTYL. Later
A little better but my stomach felt like crap last night! I need to work out tonight, get my van to work tonight and start tearing my van apart tonight! NOT looking forward to that! Well, Jerry should be here any minute to pick me up so I will TTYL. Later
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Feeling Better
I Feel Better...
After my nice, two day weekend! I hate to think I have to go back to work tomorrow but oh well! I enjoyed having a normal weekend off with my wife and kids! I did manage to get my trash to the dump and build a make shift bird feeder for my wife! We had 30 turkeys on our lawn yesterday which got me thinking about turkey hunting which made me realize spring is coming slowly but surely which made me smile! This winter has seemed like it has been eight months long! Snow, cold and ice then more and more of each one! I am ready for nice weather, fishing and turkey hunting! Sean will be six next month so four more turkey seasons and he will finally be able to go hunting with me! My wife went to the gym like six hours ago so she should be home by 8 PM I am guessing! Well, off to do something until she gets home- got no real plan on that one! Night
After my nice, two day weekend! I hate to think I have to go back to work tomorrow but oh well! I enjoyed having a normal weekend off with my wife and kids! I did manage to get my trash to the dump and build a make shift bird feeder for my wife! We had 30 turkeys on our lawn yesterday which got me thinking about turkey hunting which made me realize spring is coming slowly but surely which made me smile! This winter has seemed like it has been eight months long! Snow, cold and ice then more and more of each one! I am ready for nice weather, fishing and turkey hunting! Sean will be six next month so four more turkey seasons and he will finally be able to go hunting with me! My wife went to the gym like six hours ago so she should be home by 8 PM I am guessing! Well, off to do something until she gets home- got no real plan on that one! Night
Saturday, March 8, 2008

I felt like crap! I had the chills, then I was hot and I just felt aweful! I worked all day then I came home and went to bed at 730PM. I woke up at 6 AM and realized I am not going to work! I felt as bad as I did yesterday! I don't call in sick so if I did- I AM sick! I don't plan on doing much today except resting and taking it easy to see if I can get over this! This has to be the flu because I can usually handle a cold pretty easily but this is completely kicking my ass! My wife also has it and she seems to be a little better off than I am! I think I am going to go take a nap and see if I can beat this stupid bug! Later
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Feeling Crappy
Work Was OK...
I guess! I got home and had a kick ass supper of burgers with bacon and mushrooms! Then I realized my wife is 100% right about Rhapsody! Then I started feeling crappy again! I can't stay out of the bathroom now and I feel all cold and achy again! I can't be sick! Al and Todd are gone tomorrow so I HAVE to be there! No way around it! My wife is coming in here in a few minutes to watch TV so I will cut this short and say Night! I still need confirmations on her birthday party so please let me know! Later
I guess! I got home and had a kick ass supper of burgers with bacon and mushrooms! Then I realized my wife is 100% right about Rhapsody! Then I started feeling crappy again! I can't stay out of the bathroom now and I feel all cold and achy again! I can't be sick! Al and Todd are gone tomorrow so I HAVE to be there! No way around it! My wife is coming in here in a few minutes to watch TV so I will cut this short and say Night! I still need confirmations on her birthday party so please let me know! Later
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Finally A Better Day
Today Seemed Better...
At work! It wasn't mind blowingly busy and I was able to keep up with it! I feel better tonight than I have all week and I think the rest of the week should be OK. Favre is still retired and I am off to work out! Then, settle in for Survivor and Lost! Sounds like a nice quiet weekend to me! I watched videos of US soldiers shooting dogs in Iraq. Seemed kind of cruel to me but I am not over there risking my life either! I could think of several justifiable reasons to shoot a dog and the video really doesn't show anything other than the dogs getting shot. If they did it just for fun, I think it is cruel and should be punished! Well, off to do something creative! Night! Oh, before I forget- tonight is the anniversary of me asking my wife out! Eighteen years ago today I asked Colleen to go out with me! Pretty special day in my book! OK, now night!
At work! It wasn't mind blowingly busy and I was able to keep up with it! I feel better tonight than I have all week and I think the rest of the week should be OK. Favre is still retired and I am off to work out! Then, settle in for Survivor and Lost! Sounds like a nice quiet weekend to me! I watched videos of US soldiers shooting dogs in Iraq. Seemed kind of cruel to me but I am not over there risking my life either! I could think of several justifiable reasons to shoot a dog and the video really doesn't show anything other than the dogs getting shot. If they did it just for fun, I think it is cruel and should be punished! Well, off to do something creative! Night! Oh, before I forget- tonight is the anniversary of me asking my wife out! Eighteen years ago today I asked Colleen to go out with me! Pretty special day in my book! OK, now night!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Today Is Christmas!
The Evil Wizard Has Finally...
Been defeated! "What the hell are you talking about, Rick you complete lunatic?" Is what you are thinking right now! I know, I am a lunatic! BUT Favre retired TODAY! No more torment for my beloved Vikings at the hands of #4! The Vikings have had a great free agency and look set to battle the Pack for the NFC North now! Maybe I will get a tattoo on my ass that say, "Good Riddance #4!" LOL- probably not! How about a Packers helmet on my right ass cheek so I sit on the Packer's logo every time I sit down? I am so stoked that he is gone! Hey, he was great- he killed my team time and time again! I won't shed any tears that he isn't there anymore! No more gushing tears and kissing his ass every time he makes a crazy throw that gets returned for a TD or hucks it as far as he can and someone runs under and goes for six! The Pack are DEAD now! He was the Pack and he is gone! Ryan Grant is serviceable but lets see how he runs without #4 under center! The star of the NFC North is AD now and will be for ten years! Everyonoe welcome the NEW NFC North Champs! The Minnesota Vikings! I am going to enjoy the next eight years! Bon Voyage, Favre! I won't miss you! Night
Been defeated! "What the hell are you talking about, Rick you complete lunatic?" Is what you are thinking right now! I know, I am a lunatic! BUT Favre retired TODAY! No more torment for my beloved Vikings at the hands of #4! The Vikings have had a great free agency and look set to battle the Pack for the NFC North now! Maybe I will get a tattoo on my ass that say, "Good Riddance #4!" LOL- probably not! How about a Packers helmet on my right ass cheek so I sit on the Packer's logo every time I sit down? I am so stoked that he is gone! Hey, he was great- he killed my team time and time again! I won't shed any tears that he isn't there anymore! No more gushing tears and kissing his ass every time he makes a crazy throw that gets returned for a TD or hucks it as far as he can and someone runs under and goes for six! The Pack are DEAD now! He was the Pack and he is gone! Ryan Grant is serviceable but lets see how he runs without #4 under center! The star of the NFC North is AD now and will be for ten years! Everyonoe welcome the NEW NFC North Champs! The Minnesota Vikings! I am going to enjoy the next eight years! Bon Voyage, Favre! I won't miss you! Night
Monday, March 3, 2008
%@*! Around!
What a Train Wreck of a Day!
Ty is still in Florida, Al was at camp all morning and Todd was in Auburn all day. Stick that with one of the biggest, most fucked up days I have EVER seen at work and I know one thing! I am TIRED! The only good thing I can say is that the day went by very fast! Other than that, not much good happened at all! Top the day off with AJ ICQing me and telling me he just gave his two week notice! Honestly, I thought I could calm him down and get him to change his mind but I did talk to him and I honestly don't think he is going to! He is frustrated and Auburn is NOTHING like working in Bangor! Today drained me! By 1 PM I was wiped out! The only good thing is I am not on call after that train wreck of a day! My wife made chicken and rice-a-roni and that made the day start to turn around. Then, I played some video games, broke the inernet and got the kids tucked in. Today is my day off from working out and that is good and bad! I could have used taking my aggression out on my weights! I weighed myself Sunday and weigh 186 pounds! THAT is where I want to be! I like this weight and feel good! Well, I think I am going to play a game of Madden or hockey and veg for a little bit before bed! Night
Ty is still in Florida, Al was at camp all morning and Todd was in Auburn all day. Stick that with one of the biggest, most fucked up days I have EVER seen at work and I know one thing! I am TIRED! The only good thing I can say is that the day went by very fast! Other than that, not much good happened at all! Top the day off with AJ ICQing me and telling me he just gave his two week notice! Honestly, I thought I could calm him down and get him to change his mind but I did talk to him and I honestly don't think he is going to! He is frustrated and Auburn is NOTHING like working in Bangor! Today drained me! By 1 PM I was wiped out! The only good thing is I am not on call after that train wreck of a day! My wife made chicken and rice-a-roni and that made the day start to turn around. Then, I played some video games, broke the inernet and got the kids tucked in. Today is my day off from working out and that is good and bad! I could have used taking my aggression out on my weights! I weighed myself Sunday and weigh 186 pounds! THAT is where I want to be! I like this weight and feel good! Well, I think I am going to play a game of Madden or hockey and veg for a little bit before bed! Night
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Lazy Day?
Maybe not! I have to go over to Dad's and help him shovel off his roof! I also need to plan something nice for their anniversary which was yesterday! My parents have been married for 39 years! Next year will be 40 and I need to come up with something HUGE for that one! I will get my wife on it and she will come up with some ideas that will blow my mind! She is a gift giving guro! She knows people and comes up with ideas that they wouldn't think of themselves and she is NEVER wrong! My thoughts on a present are a trip somewhere, maybe a nice dinner like Marty's party or a big get together with friends and family! I am sure my wife will have better stuff than that! If you could make a job out of buying gifts for people, she could command her own price! Today is the day after the big storm! I am glad I am not working! I do have to work tomorrow though which sucks! My helper got stuck in Florida because of the storm and can't fly back until Tuesday! I had a feeling this was going to happen! I have it worked out to get my car fixed finally! Ray said he would do it for $250 and I will stay and help him and get the parts at work tomorrow! By this weekend, I should have my car back together and good to go! Can't complain about getting a $1500 job done for $350! PLus, Al said he would get my heads plained for $20 so I am doing quite well! I need to get it there sometime this week and that is my goal! If I need to get a trailer and haul it in, I will make that happen! Well, off to get dressed and ready to make something happen today! Later
Maybe not! I have to go over to Dad's and help him shovel off his roof! I also need to plan something nice for their anniversary which was yesterday! My parents have been married for 39 years! Next year will be 40 and I need to come up with something HUGE for that one! I will get my wife on it and she will come up with some ideas that will blow my mind! She is a gift giving guro! She knows people and comes up with ideas that they wouldn't think of themselves and she is NEVER wrong! My thoughts on a present are a trip somewhere, maybe a nice dinner like Marty's party or a big get together with friends and family! I am sure my wife will have better stuff than that! If you could make a job out of buying gifts for people, she could command her own price! Today is the day after the big storm! I am glad I am not working! I do have to work tomorrow though which sucks! My helper got stuck in Florida because of the storm and can't fly back until Tuesday! I had a feeling this was going to happen! I have it worked out to get my car fixed finally! Ray said he would do it for $250 and I will stay and help him and get the parts at work tomorrow! By this weekend, I should have my car back together and good to go! Can't complain about getting a $1500 job done for $350! PLus, Al said he would get my heads plained for $20 so I am doing quite well! I need to get it there sometime this week and that is my goal! If I need to get a trailer and haul it in, I will make that happen! Well, off to get dressed and ready to make something happen today! Later
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