Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So Far...

This Week Seems...
Much better than last week! I have only had one call so far and work has been manageable and I have caught up on a bunch of stuff! I wish my car was OK! I wish I could run out and buy myself a new car but I can't right now! I tried to get my car to work today so we could work on it but she wouldn't make it! She overheated before we even got to the railroad tracks like two miles from my house! I feel bad that because of my stupid car, my poor wife has been stuck home all week but it sounds like she is really enjoying her time off from work so I guess it worked out good! She even thinks that I ROCK! I like that! Well, off to tuck Sean in and go to bed! Night

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hope you get your Car thing worked out.