Friday, February 15, 2008

More Snow

It Snowed More Today!
What is up with this winter? This is like an old fashion Maine winter with snow, cold, ice and snow! Did I mention snow? I am still pretty tired from the last two nights of call! I am up to $280 for the week- no, make that $290 since I have already got one for tonight! I didn't even get home before I got one tonight! This is Friday night though which shouldn't be as bad! Everyone is coming home for the weekend and that should help! I am working Monday for a couple of reasons- I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on and Al asked me if I would! I want Nascar 2008 for the 360 and a racing wheel! My wife will roll her eyes when she reads this but oh well! I like racing games and they should be pretty cool in high def! The only other game I want is Tiger and then I think I can chill out and play video games until I die! I have already worked out tonight and showered and I am just chilling until I go to bed! I feel old lately! I think being a year and five months from being forty is actually starting to creep into my mind! Oh well, I don't think I have done too bad up to this point in my life and I am quite proud of the things I have accomplished! Well, this blog was all over the place so I am off to bed! Night

1 comment:

Julie said...

It's the weather that makes you feel old. Especially when it is this damn cold. A few years back when it didn't snow but it was below zero for a month straight just about killed me. Sometimes I feel like an 80 year old in a 30 something body LOL.... Don't rush the forty thing. A year and a half is a ways away :)