Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I Am In A Magazine
OK, maybe Colleen is right and only like five people read it but it is still pretty cool to have my picture and name mentioned in a magazine! It is nice to get recognized for doing a good job at work and to share a page with Al- how could it get any better? LOL. If you didn't know, this is where I spend most of my days- sitting at my desk and working on my computer or on the phone. I am sick of the snow and cold! I want warm weather! If you can read the writing on the article, my name is mentioned in there, too! Well, off to watch TV and relax! Work out done, work done, supper done- time to chill out! Night
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Anonymous said...

You are just too cool for school!

Rick Jordan said...

I go to work- not school! LOL

Kristie said...

what's the magazine?

Rick Jordan said...

Fleet Maintenance- I have a copy coming at work.