Monday, February 25, 2008

OK, Monday

OK, I Have To Admit...
I REALLY didn't want to work when I got up this morning! I was like, "FUCK, I don't want to go to that place today!" But, as usual, I went anyway! I got there and started thinking that IF I have to work Sunday, I am going to have like 200 hours this week! So, I devised a plan to have my wife pick me up when she got out of work! Then, I reminded my wife to pick me up- she totally would have forgot me, too! Then, she picked me up at like 3:40 and we stopped at Edward's and got TP and snacks, then we came home, my wife made potato salad and I cooked chicken on the grill! I could TOTALLY get used to getting home at 4 with my wife! I have had a blast so far today! It is only 5:40 PM and I wouldn't even be home for another 20-40 minutes on a normal day! The remainder of my day will involve me, Sean and an X-box 360 and some Star Wars and then some Madden! There is nothing on TV tonight so it would be a good night to catch up on Jericho! I also need to catch up on Idol before Tuesday night! I don't have to work out tonight and I got home like two hours early so this would be a good night for that! Well, off to play with children and then play with my wife! ;)

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