Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What Happened

To My Normal Work?
The last three weeks have seemed SUPER crazy at my work! Poor Jerry had to stay last night until past 630 and tonight, neither one of us got out until 6! I can't leave! I have SO much paperwork to catch up on but the phone rings nonstop all day so I never get to it! I guess it is time to teach Ty to do outside invoices and let him run wild on them! Ben and I used to have competitions to see who could do the most invoices in an hour. Ben is our fuel guy now so that is probably not an option. I don;t think they will let me steal AJ out of Auburn, either so I better do something fast! Today was another insanely crazy day and even though it is 5 PM before you know it, it gets old! Well, I am off to work out and take a shower, play Army with my son then watch Idol with my daughter and maybe play doctor with my wife! LOL Night


Rick Jordan said...

LOL- I waited up as long as I could! I didn't think you'd be on the computer so long! Ty doesn't want to know anything! I had a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff and everything! YOU MISSED OUT!

Rick Jordan said...

LOL- I waited up as long as I could! I didn't think you'd be on the computer so long! Ty doesn't want to know anything! I had a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff and everything! YOU MISSED OUT!