Guitar hero night at Jerry and Julie's house to unlock the two person songs on their game! We got them ALL! I want another guitar for here so Jessi and I can unlock songs here but that will be tax time I am thinking! I had a blast last night over there even though I felt like crap! I came home and my equilibrium was all fucked up and I was having a hard time walking without bumping into things! I only had two drinks so I know I wasn't messed up- something just wasn't right with me! Maybe I have an ear infection or sinus infection because that will cause me to feel dizzy like that! I woke up this morning ready to roll! I cooked breakfast, got two loads of laundry in, collected all the dirty clothes and got those ready to wash and hauled 800 bags of trash to the dump! I went to Danforth last Sunday and never went to the dump! NOT good! I am working tomorrow damn it! I wasn't planning on working but I got volunteered to work since Alex is going to finish siding the camp and they just assumed I would be there! Going to take a little bit before they are comfortable without me there on Mondays! They better be though because my wife is counting on me having Mondays off and I need to make that happen! I am planning on cleaning our bedroom today and cleaning up the laundry room, getting all the laundry folded and put away and the room all straightened out! I need to get this done before 1 PM because football starts at 1 PM and today's games should be as good as yesterday's games! Congrats, Kristie! Nice win over a very tough Jacksonville team! Next week should be the Super Bowl in the AFC! Well, back to work! Later
Wow!! You are Mr. Busy today! I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your plans are in writing so now you must follow through!!
LOL- I know, right?
ROFL at "I know, RIGHT!?"
LOL- why?
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