Sunday, January 6, 2008


Today Is Supposed To Be...
My day off but I spent most of the day up to Danforth shoveling off the camp roof, plowing out the driveway and porch and helping young ladies who rolled their cars over! I am exhausted! We started at 730 AM after spending a fun filled night with Jerry, Zack and Julie and all met at Dysart's! Rick and I left and jumped on the interstate while Todd and the third Rick went the back way to Dunkin' Donuts! We no more than got on the interstate when we came across a car rolled over on its roof on the side of the road! The muffler was still smoking and it looked really BAD! We stopped and I called 911 while Rick tried to see if anyone was in the car! We got the young girl out of the car- she was pretty shook up and I think she had a concussion but then we waited for the ambulance and police to show up then headed to Danforth! Three hours later, we were finally there and got the 3 feet of snow shoveled off the roof, got the yard plowed and got things to where the camp is useable for ice fishing! I am hoping Dad and I can go to the camp and spend a day or two up there fishing now that it is ready! While we were there, we saw a guy with a 32 inch togue and he even told me what they were using for bait! I think I am going ice fishing tomorrow at Swan and then I go back to work on Tuesday! I am liking this two days off deal! Well, off to put the laundry in the drier and relax and watch Amazing Race with my wife! Night


Karl_Hartley said...

let me know if u have room on the couple day ice fishing trip I might be very interested

Rick Jordan said...

Will do! I will have room and I will let you know!