Friday, January 18, 2008

LONG Week Over

Thankfully, This Week Has...
Finally come to an end! I still have to work tomorrow but Saturdays are usually my quiet day! I have to work Monday so I can have Friday and Saturday off to go ice fishing! Championship Sunday this week and it should be fun! Go Pats and go Packers! That is the Super Bowl I want to see! The grizzled veteran playing the best team ever! Now that is drama! My type of drama! Favre is on my short list of most hated people in the planet for me but THAT would be a game! Sean got a love letter from a girl at school named Rachel! He is going to make me SO proud! LOL. Well, off to work out, settle into some hockey and go to bed! Night


Anonymous said...

When and where do i meet u rick for fishing on friday

Rick Jordan said...

LOL- not this time- this one is a work trip but the next one will be MY trip and you are invited to that one! Plus, that gives us time to figure out where to fish and how everything works!