Sunday, September 28, 2008


What Are Politics Good For?
Well, in Colleen and I's case, fighting! I don't think we agree on a single thing regarding politics! We have the same views on some things but see them totally differently! In her mind, I am total idiot because the most important view I see in politics is the Second Amendment! Yes- the economy sucks and that is important but I really don't think either candidate for the president is going to solve that in four years! Taxes are also important and I understand enough about business to see the $700 billion bail out is and know what that means! I read an article the other day that says the bail out will cost everyone in America $10,000! Why do I base my vote on one thing? I don't think I can answer that one! I think it has to do with my belief that the ONE thing that scares me more than anything in this world is not being able to protect my family if someone breaks into my house and wants to harm my wife or children! I own a lot of guns! They are all used for legal hunting! I guess you could say the NRA has done a good job of scaring me into believing that certain people are a real threat to me owning firearms! My other biggest fear is the government showing up at my door some day with a list of guns that I legally own telling me to turn them over! Sorry- that isn't happening! THAT is why I do not like or trust liberal democrats! I have seen them pass bans on guns that they characterize as assault weapons when they are not! I have seen them confuse people because people don't know as much about guns as I do! That scares me!


Julie said...

That is the thing...Not everyone "respects" guns. So you have what you will always have in a democratic asshole ruining things for everyone else....I believe in balance as far as gun control goes. There is a point where it can easily turn to anarchy. BUT Hell...That would be something interesting to watch play out HUH?

I don't think it matters at all who I vote for this year. I will still vote. I have to admit though as I get older I see things differently...Like yeah it sucks for the environment that I buy little bottles of water...but Jesus...There are a lot of people that work at those plants bottling water and them having jobs is important too. They have families to feed. ANYWAY...Politics...You can't ever win LOL

Anonymous said...

Well the bailout as I see it gives Banks more money to hand out to business at a lower rate then it is now so they can build more, employ more, blah blah blah. Also its suppose to keep credit card companies from cutting your credit limit. SO give the big money ppl more loans at a lower rate and allow them to lay off ppl and not build just pad there CEO pockets.

Dont get me wrong something needs to be done but regulate the money so it goes to the ppl not big business and not to CEO. THINK ABOUT THIS LINE IN THE BILL


Now how does that help the little guy in this country. A lot of bad loans given to very low income ppl with expections after they pay a few years they have to refiance it or give them an adjustable rate you know they cant handle.

The government expects the little guys to pay for the mistakes of big Banks and Big business make. You know dam well if you jingle the carrot in front of the horse he going to bite it.

Bottom line let the dominos fall, then let 700 billion be given out to the little guys. I am sure big business will work harder to get the money and stop bitching.

bottom line i think we are screwed either way but I like the idea of oil prices dropping and not increasing the taxes to cover a big business bailout.

anyway thats enough spin from this little guy!

Scott said...

"You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hand!"