Today Was Crazy...
At work! Fridays usually are bad- because I am all alone and it is busy! Today was crazy busy! It turned into one of those days where everything I touched went sour, Al went to Auburn for the day and Todd was around but not inside much! Couple that with Ty getting fired yesterday and it made for a pretty crappy day! I was some happy to FINALLY punch out around six and head home! I am hoping for a much quieter Saturday tomorrow and some much needed catch up time! I hate being away from work for long periods because everything just piles up and is waiting for me when I come back! Hopefully, I will have help soon and things can get back to normal! I am glad I am home since I miss my wife and kids when I am gone! We have some projects planned for Sunday even though the weather looks like it will be crappy. We need to get our house puppified and ready for my new dog next Friday. Colleen is going to New Hampshire tomorrow to close out her Nana's things and the Vikings play at 1 PM on Sunday! I think I need to get my NFL radio thingy so I can at least listen to the games on line when they aren't on TV! I have been pretty lucky so far- I got to watch all of the first three games and that has ruled. Well, I am off to surf the web for awhile and spend some time with my wife before she goes to bed and leaves tomorrow morning! Night
Woah woah WOAH!!!! A new puppy? Why in the world is Colleen blogging about popcorn policies when there is a new puppy in the works!? Can't wait to see pics of the new cutie!!!
Ingrid- I will post some pictures of her! She is pretty darn cute!
Because Colleen is doing all that she can to reinforce the fact that said new puppy is DADDY'S new puppy because Rick has been ....hmmm.... what's the best way to put this.... "less than helpful" with the dogs thus far in our lives and since he is the one that decided that he needs a duck dog... HE better be VERY HANDS ON with raising of said duck dog!!
Plus.... I can't blog puppy pics until I can take some decent onces. The only ones we have are ones the breeder took. Which I will upload to his blog now since he rides the computer tard cart and couldn't figure it out.
All uploaded. I would like to reiterate one more time that that is neither my yard... or my shirt!!!
(that should have been nor, not or)
She is SO cute! I can't wait until she is here! And the dogs we have had up until now were not my dogs- they were yours except for Jackson who was a complete basket case at everything except hunting! I think I am ready for my own dog now- probably not so much back then!
She is ADORABLE! I can't see the other pics that were uploaded in the other post, but she is too sweet!
Speaking of tard carts, WTF is going on with that t-shirt? ROFL!
I know, RIGHT!!!???
Cute Cute Cute!
You guys ARE completely dog CRAZY!
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