Saturday, September 6, 2008

Games. BBQ and a Day Off

Last Night...
Nicole, Jerry and Julie came over for some games! It was interesting and pretty fun! I am glad Jerry likes his new job! Then, I went to bed- with no calls whatsoever and got up at 530 AM and went to work! Today at work was pretty uneventful! I then ran to Shop 'N Save, got Colleen a rib eye steak and Sean and a nice, fat sirloin, asparagus and baking potatoes and sour cream! I hurried home, cranked up the grill, got the potatoes cleaned and on the grill, made Colleen's onion dip and got the asparagus and steak ready to cook! I let the taters cook for awhile then got the steak going, then grilled the asparagus and served supper! It came out VERY good! The meat was good, the potato was very good and the asparagus was excellent! I love Colleen's fresh chives in sour cream! It adds a total zip to it! Now, I am chilling out, blogging for a minute before I go throw down a quick work out and take a shower! No big plans tonight- probably a nice, quiet night and then a busy day tomorrow of cleaning the basement and going to the dump- 800 times! LOL. Well, off to work out and take a shower! Night


Artistically Twisted said...

As always I had a great time.
You had me drooling listening to the run down on the grilling.
I am sure I will see you at the dump at sometime during your 800 trips there.

Colleen said...

LOL... I like the "interesting."

I think Jerry and Julie were wishing the floor would open up and swallow them when Nicole and I were goin' at it. Wait.... that didn't sound very good.....


Rick Jordan said...

Yes it did! LOL

Julie said...

Ah No biggy. People don't always agree. I admire the fact that you both can express your feelings easily that way. I always let my feelings stew until I either cry or puke LOL...We had a good time though.