Saturday, September 13, 2008

OK, Maybe Not

My Big Plans for...
A BBQ and wiffle ball game came to a halt! Jerry and Zack are sick and everyone else was worried about rain! Oh well, maybe we can do it another weekend! I have a duck stamp in my wallet, my Dad has a duck stamp in his wallet and our plans are to shoot some geese on Monday! I need to run to Bangor tomorrow and buy a box of shells and then get all my camo ready for some hunting on Monday! I have Monday off because I fly to Orlando for a computer conference next Sunday and I was told I can't work seven days! I am really not looking forward to Orlando! I don't like being out of work and I don't like being away from my family! Oh well, I need to do it because my boss is counting on me to come through and go so I will go, of course! My brother wants me to go over to his house tomorrow and watch football! I have some stuff to do in the morning and then we will see what the day holds! The Vikings play the Colts at 1 PM on national TV and he wants me to come out and watch it with him! We will see what happens but I will probably go! Well, I am off to take a shower and put on some PJ's and get ready for the night! Later


Colleen said...

Awww :( We'll try it again!!! I am thinking Columbus weekend since next weekend you are gone, the weekend after that I am gone, and Tom asked that we not have it the 5th cuz he's helping someone move and he really wants to play!

Rick Jordan said...

Sounds good to me!