To My Normal Work?
The last three weeks have seemed SUPER crazy at my work! Poor Jerry had to stay last night until past 630 and tonight, neither one of us got out until 6! I can't leave! I have SO much paperwork to catch up on but the phone rings nonstop all day so I never get to it! I guess it is time to teach Ty to do outside invoices and let him run wild on them! Ben and I used to have competitions to see who could do the most invoices in an hour. Ben is our fuel guy now so that is probably not an option. I don;t think they will let me steal AJ out of Auburn, either so I better do something fast! Today was another insanely crazy day and even though it is 5 PM before you know it, it gets old! Well, I am off to work out and take a shower, play Army with my son then watch Idol with my daughter and maybe play doctor with my wife! LOL Night
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Back To Work
Today Was My Second...
Day back at work since my little vacation and both days were crazy! Ty called in this morning- not that that was a HUGE loss but it made my day a little more crazy! We were swamped today and that makes for a very short, highly stressful day! Not looking forward to working seven days this week but I will get over it! I want to go work out now and chill out for the night and do NOTHING! I swore to myself that I would do some laundry tonight so I am off to throw a load in and go work out! Night!
Day back at work since my little vacation and both days were crazy! Ty called in this morning- not that that was a HUGE loss but it made my day a little more crazy! We were swamped today and that makes for a very short, highly stressful day! Not looking forward to working seven days this week but I will get over it! I want to go work out now and chill out for the night and do NOTHING! I swore to myself that I would do some laundry tonight so I am off to throw a load in and go work out! Night!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I Am Back!
We Had A Good...
Time on our trip even though the fishing stunk! I caught the only fish- a nasty looking cusk and it was really cold! We ate good, as usual and drank a bit and enjoyed just hanging out and shooting the shit! I came to the realization that I need a four wheeler or a snowmobile if I am going to keep up this ice fishing thing. They make it SO much easier to get out to your spots and pick up when you are done! The spot we were fishing was like 1/4 mile from our camp and we were there in no time on snowmobiles! Rick was nice enough to bring three sleds so we could all go out to fish on them! He is a pretty cool guy! Everyone seemed to get along and Clarence and my Dad both said they enjoyed him! I would like to go back up there one more time this winter- maybe up to four people since four seems to be perfect for the size of camp and fishing purposes. Rick and I got the roof shoveled and the yard plowed- it was pretty easy since we just did it three weeks ago! If it kills me, I will figure out that stupid lake! It kicks my butt like no other lake! I cannot catch a salmon or lake trout and that drives me crazy! I have to work out tonight since I took a couple days off to go to camp! Well, off to the weight bench and then settle in and kill some Germans! Later
Time on our trip even though the fishing stunk! I caught the only fish- a nasty looking cusk and it was really cold! We ate good, as usual and drank a bit and enjoyed just hanging out and shooting the shit! I came to the realization that I need a four wheeler or a snowmobile if I am going to keep up this ice fishing thing. They make it SO much easier to get out to your spots and pick up when you are done! The spot we were fishing was like 1/4 mile from our camp and we were there in no time on snowmobiles! Rick was nice enough to bring three sleds so we could all go out to fish on them! He is a pretty cool guy! Everyone seemed to get along and Clarence and my Dad both said they enjoyed him! I would like to go back up there one more time this winter- maybe up to four people since four seems to be perfect for the size of camp and fishing purposes. Rick and I got the roof shoveled and the yard plowed- it was pretty easy since we just did it three weeks ago! If it kills me, I will figure out that stupid lake! It kicks my butt like no other lake! I cannot catch a salmon or lake trout and that drives me crazy! I have to work out tonight since I took a couple days off to go to camp! Well, off to the weight bench and then settle in and kill some Germans! Later
Thursday, January 24, 2008
East Grand
After work, we are heading to East Grand for fishing! I am looking forward to it and a couple of days of no work! Well, I have to head to work now! Talk to everyone Saturday night when I get back! Bye
After work, we are heading to East Grand for fishing! I am looking forward to it and a couple of days of no work! Well, I have to head to work now! Talk to everyone Saturday night when I get back! Bye
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I Will Be Happy
When It Finally Warms Up!
God, work has been shitty the last month or so! All I do is talk on the phone ALL day! Call after call and it gets REALLY old! Two days off to go ice fishing should be fun! I can't wait to have a couple of days off to relax and chill out even though I am on call! I work too hard! I work too much and I work too long! Well, I got home tonight, threw in a load of laundry and ate one of my favorite suppers- chop suey! I LOVE my wife's chop suey! I am just waiting for the clothes to be ready for the drier and then I am going to work out and veg out until Idol is on! I wonder if Jessi remembers that it is back on tonight! Well, I need to go swap clothes around and sort and pass out the clothes upstairs! Night
God, work has been shitty the last month or so! All I do is talk on the phone ALL day! Call after call and it gets REALLY old! Two days off to go ice fishing should be fun! I can't wait to have a couple of days off to relax and chill out even though I am on call! I work too hard! I work too much and I work too long! Well, I got home tonight, threw in a load of laundry and ate one of my favorite suppers- chop suey! I LOVE my wife's chop suey! I am just waiting for the clothes to be ready for the drier and then I am going to work out and veg out until Idol is on! I wonder if Jessi remembers that it is back on tonight! Well, I need to go swap clothes around and sort and pass out the clothes upstairs! Night
Friday, January 18, 2008
LONG Week Over
Thankfully, This Week Has...
Finally come to an end! I still have to work tomorrow but Saturdays are usually my quiet day! I have to work Monday so I can have Friday and Saturday off to go ice fishing! Championship Sunday this week and it should be fun! Go Pats and go Packers! That is the Super Bowl I want to see! The grizzled veteran playing the best team ever! Now that is drama! My type of drama! Favre is on my short list of most hated people in the planet for me but THAT would be a game! Sean got a love letter from a girl at school named Rachel! He is going to make me SO proud! LOL. Well, off to work out, settle into some hockey and go to bed! Night
Finally come to an end! I still have to work tomorrow but Saturdays are usually my quiet day! I have to work Monday so I can have Friday and Saturday off to go ice fishing! Championship Sunday this week and it should be fun! Go Pats and go Packers! That is the Super Bowl I want to see! The grizzled veteran playing the best team ever! Now that is drama! My type of drama! Favre is on my short list of most hated people in the planet for me but THAT would be a game! Sean got a love letter from a girl at school named Rachel! He is going to make me SO proud! LOL. Well, off to work out, settle into some hockey and go to bed! Night
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Another Day Closer
To Sunday!
I am looking forward to a day off! This week has been very long and hard! I don't have much time to catch my breath and Alex hasn't been there to take some of the heat off! He will be there tomorrow though so that is something to look forward to! No Idol tonight. I think I will go take a shower, play some hockey and settle in for a quiet night! I must be getting old because I have a hard time making it to 10 PM and the end of Idol! Oh well, I am not a spring chicken anymore! I am 38 going on 39 and I can't do things like I used to! Time for a midlife crisis! LOL just kidding! Night
I am looking forward to a day off! This week has been very long and hard! I don't have much time to catch my breath and Alex hasn't been there to take some of the heat off! He will be there tomorrow though so that is something to look forward to! No Idol tonight. I think I will go take a shower, play some hockey and settle in for a quiet night! I must be getting old because I have a hard time making it to 10 PM and the end of Idol! Oh well, I am not a spring chicken anymore! I am 38 going on 39 and I can't do things like I used to! Time for a midlife crisis! LOL just kidding! Night
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
More Idol
Well, I Checked the TV Guide...
And American Idol is on again tonight! Jessi made it until a little past 9 PM last night and then she was out cold on the couch! I took a picture of her sleeping on the couch and I have to say she looks like a little angel when she is sleeping! I took her picture and put it to her name and my background on my phone! I just got done working out and taking a shower and now I am just waiting until 8 PM so Sean and Jessi can come down and watch Idol! Sean didn't get to watch Idol last night because he hit Jessi. He was NOT happy! Work was OK today for the first time this week! I actually got some paperwork done which was a HUGE plus! Well, I think I will go play a game of hockey and get ready for Idol! Night!
And American Idol is on again tonight! Jessi made it until a little past 9 PM last night and then she was out cold on the couch! I took a picture of her sleeping on the couch and I have to say she looks like a little angel when she is sleeping! I took her picture and put it to her name and my background on my phone! I just got done working out and taking a shower and now I am just waiting until 8 PM so Sean and Jessi can come down and watch Idol! Sean didn't get to watch Idol last night because he hit Jessi. He was NOT happy! Work was OK today for the first time this week! I actually got some paperwork done which was a HUGE plus! Well, I think I will go play a game of hockey and get ready for Idol! Night!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
American Idol
Tonight Is the Night!
American Idol is back on TV! Jessi and I LOVE it! We will watch the crappy people and the good people tonight and then pick our favorite when they narrow them down! The show is just plain fun with drunk Paula, "dog" Randy and mean Simon! Then you add in Sechrest fighting with Simon and it just makes good TV! Work sucked today! The phone was NUTS and I accomplished literally nothing other than putting out fires! I am going upstairs now to work out- adding some weight to my bench press tonight and only doing a half-workout! Colleen and Jessi are taking movies back while Sean takes a bath! Off to go hurt myself and take a shower! Night
American Idol is back on TV! Jessi and I LOVE it! We will watch the crappy people and the good people tonight and then pick our favorite when they narrow them down! The show is just plain fun with drunk Paula, "dog" Randy and mean Simon! Then you add in Sechrest fighting with Simon and it just makes good TV! Work sucked today! The phone was NUTS and I accomplished literally nothing other than putting out fires! I am going upstairs now to work out- adding some weight to my bench press tonight and only doing a half-workout! Colleen and Jessi are taking movies back while Sean takes a bath! Off to go hurt myself and take a shower! Night
Monday, January 14, 2008
OH, That IS Why They Canceled School!
I Got Volunteered To...
Work this morning because they are short handed and I was awoken by Jessi at 530 AM saying that she didn't have school! I looked outside and couldn't figure out why they canceled school for NO snow! Well, I got the answer around 10 AM when the snow started POURING down! The day was crazy as almost all snow days are at my work! Trucks were breaking down and people were getting stuck and people were plowing snow! The ride home completely sucked! The roads were shitty and some people really should not be allowed to drive in the snow! PERIOD! Well, I got home, had an awesome supper, busted my butt working out and took a shower and here I sit typing away on the computer! I think I am going to play some 360 hockey and settle in for the night! I am completely exhausted and wiped out! I have to work next Monday, too but only so I can have Friday and Saturday off that week to go ice fishing! Should be an absolute blast! I know I am looking forward to it! Yesterday's games were depressing! I have got two text messages from my brother since Dallas lost and he sounds really down! I can't say much- I feel the same way when the Vikings do that to me! The second game, I was selfish! I wanted to see the two best teams play one more time for all the marbles but Indy lost! I really like Tony Dungy! He used to be the defensive coordinator for the Vikings and I absolutely LOVED him! Well, off to settle in on a stormy night! Night
Work this morning because they are short handed and I was awoken by Jessi at 530 AM saying that she didn't have school! I looked outside and couldn't figure out why they canceled school for NO snow! Well, I got the answer around 10 AM when the snow started POURING down! The day was crazy as almost all snow days are at my work! Trucks were breaking down and people were getting stuck and people were plowing snow! The ride home completely sucked! The roads were shitty and some people really should not be allowed to drive in the snow! PERIOD! Well, I got home, had an awesome supper, busted my butt working out and took a shower and here I sit typing away on the computer! I think I am going to play some 360 hockey and settle in for the night! I am completely exhausted and wiped out! I have to work next Monday, too but only so I can have Friday and Saturday off that week to go ice fishing! Should be an absolute blast! I know I am looking forward to it! Yesterday's games were depressing! I have got two text messages from my brother since Dallas lost and he sounds really down! I can't say much- I feel the same way when the Vikings do that to me! The second game, I was selfish! I wanted to see the two best teams play one more time for all the marbles but Indy lost! I really like Tony Dungy! He used to be the defensive coordinator for the Vikings and I absolutely LOVED him! Well, off to settle in on a stormy night! Night
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Unlocking Songs

Guitar hero night at Jerry and Julie's house to unlock the two person songs on their game! We got them ALL! I want another guitar for here so Jessi and I can unlock songs here but that will be tax time I am thinking! I had a blast last night over there even though I felt like crap! I came home and my equilibrium was all fucked up and I was having a hard time walking without bumping into things! I only had two drinks so I know I wasn't messed up- something just wasn't right with me! Maybe I have an ear infection or sinus infection because that will cause me to feel dizzy like that! I woke up this morning ready to roll! I cooked breakfast, got two loads of laundry in, collected all the dirty clothes and got those ready to wash and hauled 800 bags of trash to the dump! I went to Danforth last Sunday and never went to the dump! NOT good! I am working tomorrow damn it! I wasn't planning on working but I got volunteered to work since Alex is going to finish siding the camp and they just assumed I would be there! Going to take a little bit before they are comfortable without me there on Mondays! They better be though because my wife is counting on me having Mondays off and I need to make that happen! I am planning on cleaning our bedroom today and cleaning up the laundry room, getting all the laundry folded and put away and the room all straightened out! I need to get this done before 1 PM because football starts at 1 PM and today's games should be as good as yesterday's games! Congrats, Kristie! Nice win over a very tough Jacksonville team! Next week should be the Super Bowl in the AFC! Well, back to work! Later
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Today Was Busy...
The day just kept coming and coming and I feel like I accomplished nothing! Colleen's ex did get the job so now I have to help him! LOL! I do have a good question though- how long is acceptable to hold a grudge against someone that tried to sleep with your girlfriend when you were with her? Ten years? Twenty? Thirty? I am thinking that there isn't enough time to heal a wound like that but I kind of think I am over it! I don't care now that I am 38, have a good job and still have Colleen! His loss, not mine! I am interested to see what kind of answers I get on this one! I actually hate Everett way more than Randy- at least Randy was with my wife for a long time and had history with her! Don't ask- LONG story! Night
The day just kept coming and coming and I feel like I accomplished nothing! Colleen's ex did get the job so now I have to help him! LOL! I do have a good question though- how long is acceptable to hold a grudge against someone that tried to sleep with your girlfriend when you were with her? Ten years? Twenty? Thirty? I am thinking that there isn't enough time to heal a wound like that but I kind of think I am over it! I don't care now that I am 38, have a good job and still have Colleen! His loss, not mine! I am interested to see what kind of answers I get on this one! I actually hate Everett way more than Randy- at least Randy was with my wife for a long time and had history with her! Don't ask- LONG story! Night
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Work Was Pretty Boring...
Today but it was busy! Alex was at camp all day and I pretty much ran around all day! Today did have its moment though! I was sitting their in my chair talking to a driver when another driver walked in with a guy he was taking for a test drive! Turns out it was Colleen's ex-boyfriend from high school! I asked him how he was and he asked me how I was and then we shook hands and he went on his test drive! I have to say it is quite weird to shake the hand of someone that you know slept with your wife- even if it was before you ever met her! The good news is I won that battle! She is my wife, not his! He asked how she was and I told him she was dead! LOL- just kidding, Hon! I told him she is doing fine and we have been together for almost 18 years now! Colleen says he has had lots of divorces and stuff and that she heard he isn't doing that great! That really hurts me and makes me want to do whatever I can to help him! NOT!!!! Night!
Today but it was busy! Alex was at camp all day and I pretty much ran around all day! Today did have its moment though! I was sitting their in my chair talking to a driver when another driver walked in with a guy he was taking for a test drive! Turns out it was Colleen's ex-boyfriend from high school! I asked him how he was and he asked me how I was and then we shook hands and he went on his test drive! I have to say it is quite weird to shake the hand of someone that you know slept with your wife- even if it was before you ever met her! The good news is I won that battle! She is my wife, not his! He asked how she was and I told him she was dead! LOL- just kidding, Hon! I told him she is doing fine and we have been together for almost 18 years now! Colleen says he has had lots of divorces and stuff and that she heard he isn't doing that great! That really hurts me and makes me want to do whatever I can to help him! NOT!!!! Night!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Ice Fishing and Winter Grilling
I Went Ice
Fishing with Dad today at Swan Lake and Swan lived up to our name for it- no flag Swan! We drowned some bait and were back home before 2 PM. Then I took a nap and grilled some chicken on the grill! The weather is really nice and I enjoyed grilling without freezing my butt off! I have to go back to work but I have to say that I am enjoying having two days off and I think I am back on my normal schedule again! It took awhile but I am finally there! I feel fat and need to work out tonight! Well, off to go work out and eat some chicken and watch TV! Night
Fishing with Dad today at Swan Lake and Swan lived up to our name for it- no flag Swan! We drowned some bait and were back home before 2 PM. Then I took a nap and grilled some chicken on the grill! The weather is really nice and I enjoyed grilling without freezing my butt off! I have to go back to work but I have to say that I am enjoying having two days off and I think I am back on my normal schedule again! It took awhile but I am finally there! I feel fat and need to work out tonight! Well, off to go work out and eat some chicken and watch TV! Night
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Today Is Supposed To Be...
My day off but I spent most of the day up to Danforth shoveling off the camp roof, plowing out the driveway and porch and helping young ladies who rolled their cars over! I am exhausted! We started at 730 AM after spending a fun filled night with Jerry, Zack and Julie and all met at Dysart's! Rick and I left and jumped on the interstate while Todd and the third Rick went the back way to Dunkin' Donuts! We no more than got on the interstate when we came across a car rolled over on its roof on the side of the road! The muffler was still smoking and it looked really BAD! We stopped and I called 911 while Rick tried to see if anyone was in the car! We got the young girl out of the car- she was pretty shook up and I think she had a concussion but then we waited for the ambulance and police to show up then headed to Danforth! Three hours later, we were finally there and got the 3 feet of snow shoveled off the roof, got the yard plowed and got things to where the camp is useable for ice fishing! I am hoping Dad and I can go to the camp and spend a day or two up there fishing now that it is ready! While we were there, we saw a guy with a 32 inch togue and he even told me what they were using for bait! I think I am going ice fishing tomorrow at Swan and then I go back to work on Tuesday! I am liking this two days off deal! Well, off to put the laundry in the drier and relax and watch Amazing Race with my wife! Night
My day off but I spent most of the day up to Danforth shoveling off the camp roof, plowing out the driveway and porch and helping young ladies who rolled their cars over! I am exhausted! We started at 730 AM after spending a fun filled night with Jerry, Zack and Julie and all met at Dysart's! Rick and I left and jumped on the interstate while Todd and the third Rick went the back way to Dunkin' Donuts! We no more than got on the interstate when we came across a car rolled over on its roof on the side of the road! The muffler was still smoking and it looked really BAD! We stopped and I called 911 while Rick tried to see if anyone was in the car! We got the young girl out of the car- she was pretty shook up and I think she had a concussion but then we waited for the ambulance and police to show up then headed to Danforth! Three hours later, we were finally there and got the 3 feet of snow shoveled off the roof, got the yard plowed and got things to where the camp is useable for ice fishing! I am hoping Dad and I can go to the camp and spend a day or two up there fishing now that it is ready! While we were there, we saw a guy with a 32 inch togue and he even told me what they were using for bait! I think I am going ice fishing tomorrow at Swan and then I go back to work on Tuesday! I am liking this two days off deal! Well, off to put the laundry in the drier and relax and watch Amazing Race with my wife! Night
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
More Snow and A Day Off
So, We Got Even...
More snow last night! Colleen doesn't have to go to work until noon because of the storm and the plow guy has already came and gone so we are all plowed out! I thought this storm would be much worse than this but oh well! I don't have to go anywhere today! I have today off as a reward for working yesterday and I plan on taking full advantage of it! I plan on playing hockey, army and hunting with Sean and Jessi and just vegging really! I worked out last night but I might throw in a bonus work out today and do some different exercises or something to mix it up! Who would have though that when I started working out over a year ago and weighed 240 pounds that I would weigh 180 now and still work out all the time? Not me, that is for sure! I have to say that I have done really good with keeping with it! My eating habits aren't as good as they were back then- I like to eat during the winter and I don't deny myself something that might not be all that good for me! Well, off to hang out with the coolest kids on the planet- in my opinion anyway! Later
More snow last night! Colleen doesn't have to go to work until noon because of the storm and the plow guy has already came and gone so we are all plowed out! I thought this storm would be much worse than this but oh well! I don't have to go anywhere today! I have today off as a reward for working yesterday and I plan on taking full advantage of it! I plan on playing hockey, army and hunting with Sean and Jessi and just vegging really! I worked out last night but I might throw in a bonus work out today and do some different exercises or something to mix it up! Who would have though that when I started working out over a year ago and weighed 240 pounds that I would weigh 180 now and still work out all the time? Not me, that is for sure! I have to say that I have done really good with keeping with it! My eating habits aren't as good as they were back then- I like to eat during the winter and I don't deny myself something that might not be all that good for me! Well, off to hang out with the coolest kids on the planet- in my opinion anyway! Later
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