Just Because...
I think these are like the coolest pictures EVER! I am very much looking forward to no working tomorrow! We are having Jerry and Julie over and Miranda and her kids over for a little picture taking and get together! I have to get my stuff done in the morning ASAP and then help my wife get ready for the people to show up! Miranda has a new baby boy and Colleen wants to take some pictures for her portfolio! I had a supper of spinach ardichoke dip and pretzel rods! Jessi is gone for the night! I heard the weather is going to be pretty descent tomorrow and I am looking forward to grilling on the porch- even if my grill isn't as new and nice as Tim and Kristie's! Now we have the third oldest house next to Tim and Kristie's and Mom and Dad's! Time to build a new one so we can be first again! LOL- just kidding! I am perfectly happy with my house! My aunt passed away last night! My Dad called me this morning and told me she passed away last night. I actually think it is for the best since she had a really bad stroke 7-8 years ago and really was never even close to the same! I know I never want to be useless to my wife and kids! Nothing could be worse than that except maybe not remembering the people you have loved your whole life! Well, Sean is chomping at the bit to go online and try his new game Jessi just got him! Off to relax and go to bed! Night
I bet it would have been a good time Sunday LOL..... :)
Sorry about your Aunt. When my Gram died he had been fighting Cancer for 10 years and as much as it hurt I knew he was in a better place. He couldn't even eat by himself anymore and that was hard on him.
I bet Jerry and I have the oldest house :) built in the 1930's out of even older parts from other houses LOL... It's a gem. We love your house it has a cool layout!
Gramp not gram...
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