Today Is My Little...
Man's birthday! He is six years old today! Six years ago today, I went through terrible discomfort and pain so that he can be here! Nicole was there and it probably scared the CRAP out of her! Oh, I really had to pee when Sean was born so that was the pain I refer to! LOL! I can't believe he is six years old! It seems like he just came home from the hospital the other day! Colleen is 3 for 3 on picking good, uplifting movies for us to watch lately! Surprisingly, neither one of us have slit our wrists after her last three choices of movie! That movie last night was messed up! I do have to say though that I figured it out before Colleen did! That never happens! Well, off to work out, hang out with the birthday boy before he goes to bed and take a shower! Night!
Don't worry!! I made sure that a COMEDY was on the way next!!!
I had a great time breaking in his birthday gift last night and I am looking forward to watching them all bowl.
I was Hella scared!
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