Sunday, April 13, 2008

Had A Blast!

I Had A Great...
Time last night with Julie, Jerry and Zack! It was laid back, relaxing and pure fun! I loved the marshmallow fights! I am looking forward to bowling and more fun! I did get some productive things done today as well! I went to the dump which was WAY overdue and I fed the birds and am starting to get the basement dried out! I need to call my brother and see if he has the tool I need to finish our bathroom! I might get it for two weeks straight if I can EVER finish that friggin' thing! I am on call though and we know what THAT means! ;) Later


Julie said...

The marshmallow thing was crazy! I think you and Jerry had more fun than the kids did.

Nicole said...

Sorry I missed the Marshmallow fight!
Sounds like fun!