Today was opening day of turkey season! I took the day off for it even though I can't shoot until next Monday! The birds were few and far between this morning! We hunted hard until 730 AM and then we went and had a little breakfast then we took Dad's car home for Mom and went out back of myself! Up until we walked it out there, we had seen a grand total of two birds! I got up at 355 AM this morning to hunt so I wasn't feeling it and was not happy that the birds weren't out! I would rather turkey hunt in the rain then a fog like it was this morning! They don't like to come down out of the trees when it is foggy! Probably because they can't see and that is their defense! OK, we go out back of my house, set up about half way down to the brook, set up the decoys and start calling! Dad is sitting to my right and he can see all the way down the pipeline! He says, "here comes one!" I can't see it yet but I keep calling and it finally crests the hill about 150 yards down and is coming right for the decoys! We call her to about 25 yards and she is clucking and purring and carrying on with the decoys! She finally loses interest after spending four or five minutes circling the decoys and clucking and putting her head off! She walks off and goes into the woods to our right! Dad and I stert talking about how cool that was and how close we called her in! Dad lights a smoke and I set my calls down and we are talking. I look down and at the same time, we both say, "here comes some more!"
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