Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guy Day

Today Was Guy Day!
Brock, Sean, Tom, Brhaun and I all headed to Cabela's this morning for some shopping, eating and fishing! I had a great time! The pizza was the best I have ever eaten, the company was great and I got everything I need for turkey season which starts a week from tomorrow. I got some more corn for my deer out back and I got the priveledge of seeing Brock catch his first ever fish- a trout that was also a keeper! You would have thought the fish was 5 pounds by the way Brock acted and THAT is what it is all about! Sean decided on a toy shotgun that loads little plastic bullets like a real shotgun and he seems to like it just fine! A little cheesy, yes but as long as he likes it. Thanks to all who participated in today's guy day and I hope we have another one really soon!
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1 comment:

Julie said...

Sounds very guy ish.... Though I was looking outside last week and the leaves were the right size on the trees I knew it was brook season. I really should get my fishing license. Just isn't the same without someone to go with. My Mom loved to go. She was die hard. I miss that time with her.