Friday, May 8, 2009

Opening Week

OK, Unless You Have Been Living Under...
A log, you probably know that Monday was opening day of turkey season. To say getting up every day at 330-345 AM and then going to straight to work is not tiring would just be wrong! So far, Monday has been teh best day by far. Dad got a bird first thing and we got another bird later that morning. Tuesday I guess we will call just a weird day. Wednesday, I called in a hen to 25 yards but no toms. Thursday, we messed with some birds but never got them across the brook and today we couldn't buy a gobble but had two jakes dead at 20 yards and let them walk. Last year, I kill those two birds but someone has taught me that those are next year's two year old birds and to let them go. I learned it, Bro. Can't say they would still be alive if today was the last day but for now, they are safe from my shotgun fire. I am thinking I will try a place Brhaun and I went this morning and saw five birds sneaking around. I have to leave the woods at 6 AM instead of 630 tomorrow so I need to get in, get set up, shoot the bird and get out! It won't happen like that but that definitely sounds good! Tomorrow, we are leaving for the big concert and trip! I am looking forward to it very much and can't wait until 3 PM tomorrow when I can come home and get ready to leave. Monday should also be fun-packed seeing as Tom, Brhaun and I are all going turkey hunting. I think it is Tom's first real try at turkey hunting which should be a lot of fun. I think I will let him go off with Brhaun if we get two birds gobbling and see if we can't get Tom on a tom! LOL. Well, I am absolutely exhausted and I still need to shower and get ready for hunting in the morning so I am out! Later

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