Sean and I went...
Fishing for the first time this year tonight and Sean caught a trout on the first cast of the season and the first cast he took with his new fishing rod. This little buck just can't seem to get his picture taken enough- he is on a five night straight streak of hitting my bait. I am disappointed I am not getting any turkeys but I think I got the solution for them on Sunday. I need to get some loose corn, some seeds and put out some more oats. I got up at 5 AM this morning to go work out before work so Colleen could go this afternoon while Sean and I went fishing. I am exhausted right now so maybe it wasn't the best idea but it definitely felt good getting my workout out of the way that early. I am on call for three more nights and then I have my two weeks off. I don't have Patriots Day off in case anyone was wondering. I would say today confirmed that spring is finally here with trout coming home with us and cooking them on the grill. Tomorrow night is the BBQ at Jerry and Julie's house and that should be fun as long as the pager leaves me alone so I can have fun! Well, I think I am off to bed since I have yardcheck at 630 AM. Night
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