Well, This Morning Was the One!Brhaun and I got up early as usual, snuck down in the woods at a new place we haven't hunted yet and heard and saw absolutely nothing! So, we decided to drive down to another spot and we saw a tom way down the tracks gobbling. We headed around to get back around behind the bird and saw two more toms standing on a lawn! We got down the tracks, got over on a little road that runs parallel with the tracks and Brhaun got the bird gobbling and coming. OK- it isn't that easy. They never just run into you, gobbling all the way so you know when and where they are coming. They stop gobbling and the display and pace and come at their own pace- which in my opinion, is always agonizingly slow! Well, it took this bird 15 minutes that felt like two hours to cover roughly 200 yards of ground! Our set up wasn't the best I have seen but it did serve the purpose and I did have the luxury of a solid rest! As the bird got really close, Brhaun didn't dare to look- probably afraid I was going to miss again or blow my foot off or something! LOL. He was curled up and calling really softly so the bird would think he was further away then we were. I finally caught the bird's head for a split section before he cleared the sparse trees in front of me. I had already clicked off the safety and picked a spot that when he hit it, I would shoot. I also learned my lesson and did a quick scan for any trees that would cause a repeat of Saturday! Finally after three days of waiting for him to move ten yards, he stepped into the spot I wanted him to step into! It really is too bad Brhaun wasn't watching then because a big grin came across my face as I steadied, slid the bead just under his neck and squeezed the trigger. OK- I can tell if my trigger squeeze was good and steady by whether or not the recoil and sounds of the gun surprises me! It surprised me when it went off and I came back from the recoil to see the bird topple over backwards and a much quicker than I ever expected Brhaun running 25 yards in world record speed! We exchanged pleasantries as to how well that worked. I think Brhaun said something like, "at least you hit this one!" LOL. No- we celebrated like a couple of lunatics! We went over every inch of the bird, took pictures, looked at the bird some more and had a blast! I called work and told them I would be late and we headed back to the truck and went and tagged the bird. Brhaun is doing up the fan on the bird and the beard because he pretty much rules! I think Brhaun said it best when he said he loves that shit and that was what it is all about! The bird was big- maybe not the biggest weight of a bird I ever shot but the beard was huge! 10 1/2 inches long and the spurs were an impressive 1 3/8 inches! If all women measured guys like turkey spurs, I'd be a virtual giant! LOL. It was one hell of a morning! What looked like disaster of a day turned into a memorable one in all of 30 minutes! Hey- that is hunting! That is why we get up at 330 AM every day and go out and hunt these foolish birds! Today was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Brhaun, thanks Bro for everything! I said it earlier today that this is the most fun I have ever had turkey hunting and it is so true! Oh, and just for the record, you are a turkey calling machine!