Monday, November 24, 2008

Bad Dogs!

I Was Checking My...
Game camera pictures and caught these pics of a couple of bad dogs out past where they are supposed to be! I get a kick out of the fact that they always head out there around the same time both days! I am LOVING this week! I have two more days of work, then it is Thanksgiving and then I work Friday and have Saturday off for the last day of deer hunting! I finally saw another deer today! Actually, it was tonight on my way home from work- on the road I work on! Which is in Bangor and in a no hunting zone! I am thinking I will walk out back in the morning for like 20 minutes then go to work! I have NOT given up hope on a deer yet! I still have two full days off to hunt and stranger things have happened! I have almost shot a deer out back with a grand total of 25 minutes to hunt! I absolutely love Thanksgiving as I have made perfectly clear! Well, the Vikings won a game yesterday that wasn't close! They are tied for first in the division and playing a VERY big game against the Bears Sunday night! Go Saints! I want New Orleans to win tonight so the Vikes will only be tied with the Bears for first! Well, I am sure this is a very long and boring blog to most people who read this! Sorry- I didn't have a lot to say! Night
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Artistically Twisted said...

Squeezing in the last of the hunting to seal the week.... sounds about right. Can you do that while listening to Chinese democracy?

Rick Jordan said...

Yes I can! I am listening to it now! Because Jewels ABSOLUTELY RULES!

Artistically Twisted said...

I think so

Rick Jordan said...

I saw your copy! LOL