I Have Been A...
Blog slacker lately! OK, maybe not as bad as SOME people but definitely slacking as far as my normal blogging goes! I have been back to work for three days now and don't really have much to say about it! It is still busy and they saved a lot of paperwork for me to do so I have plenty to do! I am firmly convinced that there is a serious shortage in deer! I saw a grand total of TWO my entire week off and have seen a whopping ZERO this week- going every day before work! I decided to post a before and after pic of Sean's broken arm! He was pretty bummed out that he couldn't play video games but I am happy to report that he has solved that riddle! He is playing away with his broken arm, kicking butt in all his favorite games! He really hasn't

skipped a beat even with an arm in a cast! I am sorry, Nicole- I would have posted pics of his camo cast but they aren'y on my computer! My wife got her new little, tiny laptop today but I don't think she is crazy about it! I will let her talk about that since it is her laptop and that wouldn't be fair to her! I am extremely tired this week! I had a blast at Nicole's dip party but I have this stupid cold that is really wearing me down and I was totally dragging ass at her house! Sorry if I wasn't my normal self- I felt like crap and was tired! Thanksgiving is coming up next week which means a day to hunt, eat and watch football! What more does a man need? Throw in some presents and a little sex and I think I would be in paradise! Well, I think that is all I have to say for know! I will throw up a new poll when I think of something interesting to ask! Night
Sex?? I'm not sure what that is??
I could help you rediscover! LOL
You guys! I think you've turned your blogs into some sort of foreplay! DIRTY*
LOL... It's hunting season, so it's ALL I have in that department!!!! Cut me some slack!!!
She is kind of right! I hunt REALLY hard and get up at like 430 AM to hunt- work or no work and I am beat by the time I get home! And I am ready for bed at 9PM! Doesn't make much time for other stuff!
Dirty Dirty Deer Hunter LOL......
What's my excuse ... I'm not a hunter LOL....
All ya need to do is get dressed up like a deer and go hide somewhere in the house....
Just a thought.
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