Saturday, November 29, 2008


One Word Describes My...
Deer season! I saw a whopping eight deer all year! I was actually relieved when 426 came and the season was FINALLY over! This season did make me want to start bow hunting again though which is good! I miss bow hunting! We are getting ready to run over to Jerry and Julie's house for a get together tonight and then I have to work seven days in a row! I took today off for the last day and now I get to pay for it! I am on call until Monday and then I have a much needed two weeks off from the pager! I do get it back just in time for Christmas and the Christmas party though so don't worry! I think I just had a vacation but I could truly use another one! Scott and I got a big jump on the bathroom today! He says another hour or two and we will be done! We plan on finishing it next Sunday so we have that to look forward to! Well, off to play! Night


Kristie said...

That sucks! I saw 3 deer yesterday morning when Karen and I were headed out to go shopping around 3:30a.m.

Julie said...

Glad to hear your bathroom is almost done!!!! We need to work on ours down stairs too. We have to finish the plumbing and lay down the floor whoo hoo. it's a lot of work.

Rick Jordan said...

I am in a kind of funk as far as deer hunting goes! I need my boy to FINALLY be old enough so I have my hunting buddy to go with me! Going to be a LONG venison free winter in the Jordan household! It is hard work, Jewels! Makes me SOME glad that my brother is a plumber! I saw four of my eight deer before or after legal time, Kristie so I know what you are saying! I'd pay money for you to photo Jerry's 'plumber crack' when he is doing the bathroom! I would throw some cash your way- no questions asked! LOL

Julie said...

There will be a lot of CRACK while Jerry is laying down the flooring and finishing up the plumbing...Normally I like his butt it's just when it's hanging out of his pants like that .... Whew it's not pretty LOL BUT I'll do anything (non sexual roflmao) for cash LOL