OK, I Thought I Would...
Post a few hunting pictures and another picture of that fox! I hunted hard today again and didn't see a deer! Dad and I got back from hunting around 11 and I decided I was going to mow the pipeline! The pipeline is all grown up bushes, grass and small trees and I am having a hard time seeing any deer with it all grown up! Well, I made sure my lawn mower would start then filled it with gas and wheeled it all the way down to the pipeline then I began mowing! It was HARD! The stuff was thick and hard on the blade and made bad sounds while I was doing it! I told Colleen I did it and she doesn't believe me! Dad doesn't believe me either! Dad was like, "you mean you mowed one strip down." NO, I mowed it like 15 yards wide from the top of the hill to the swale hole! Probably 150 yards worth! Colleen- you need to drive that way on your way to work and see! Maybe I will take some pics of it tomorrow even though I don't have a before and after pic! Well, off to go eat some supper! Later
Anyone on the fence about the fact that you are a COMPLETE FREAKAZOID, is off that fence and 9/10's of the way to the next one.
Why am I a freakazoid? I saw a problem so I fixed it! I have three days left and I need to kill a deer and I need my best morning spot ready to go! Now, if I had known earlier about the Canaan road, I could have hayed that and had both my places! I miss my night spot! Not having my night spot is like dating a girl who is FABULOUS and says she is only giving it up to you and then you find out she's giving it up to EVERYBODY! OK, actually it is nothing like that at all! LOL
All I have to say is WOW!
I am disappointed, Nicole! All I get from that is a WOW!
I like the last picture where it looks like I am looking at an alien ship and my face is melting off!
I got a problem for you: Colleen needs shelves. There's a problem.. so fix it!!
Did you just talk about killing stuff AND use the word "fabulous" all in one paragraph?
I feel alone and confused.....
I wasn't talking about killing things- I was talking about a spot where I kill things! Big difference! One set of shelves coming right up! LOL- I guess I better check with her first and make sure I build the RIGHT shelves- nothing like shelves that aren't what you want!
OMG you mowed the pipeline?!?!?! Holy crap! I don't even like to mow my yard! That is some dedication LOL...Good luck though I hope it pays off! The weather has been so crappy for you too. Although I know nothing about hunting...Maybe this is great weather? :)
The weather has SUCKED for hunting! A couple of mornings this week were PERFECT but I still saw NOTHING! I saw a grand total of two deer for my entire vacation and I hunted HARD! Last year, I saw 13 deer on my vacation so that should say all you need to know! I miss my evening spot!
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