One Word Describes My...
Deer season! I saw a whopping eight deer all year! I was actually relieved when 426 came and the season was FINALLY over! This season did make me want to start bow hunting again though which is good! I miss bow hunting! We are getting ready to run over to Jerry and Julie's house for a get together tonight and then I have to work seven days in a row! I took today off for the last day and now I get to pay for it! I am on call until Monday and then I have a much needed two weeks off from the pager! I do get it back just in time for Christmas and the Christmas party though so don't worry! I think I just had a vacation but I could truly use another one! Scott and I got a big jump on the bathroom today! He says another hour or two and we will be done! We plan on finishing it next Sunday so we have that to look forward to! Well, off to play! Night
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I Heart Thanksgiving!
Food, family, football, fun and hunting! The food was EXCELLENT as always! I ate WAY too much and hunted too hard and watched way too much football. I have to work tomorrow and then I have the last day of deer season of then I work Sunday. My brother and I looked at the plumbing and we will tackle the rest of our last bathroom on Saturday! Dad and I hunted hard this morning and still saw no deer! It is looking more and more like I will not get a deer again this year. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and a great long weekend and I hope everyone ate enough or too much! Well, I am off to watch Survivor with my woman and then CSI! Have a good night!
Food, family, football, fun and hunting! The food was EXCELLENT as always! I ate WAY too much and hunted too hard and watched way too much football. I have to work tomorrow and then I have the last day of deer season of then I work Sunday. My brother and I looked at the plumbing and we will tackle the rest of our last bathroom on Saturday! Dad and I hunted hard this morning and still saw no deer! It is looking more and more like I will not get a deer again this year. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and a great long weekend and I hope everyone ate enough or too much! Well, I am off to watch Survivor with my woman and then CSI! Have a good night!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Someone Has G 'N R
OK, So Today Marks the First...
Time in like 5 years that I actually paid cash for a CD! Jewels called me from Best Buy and asked me if I wanted her to get me the new GNR CD and I said you bet I do! OK, I have waited 14 years for this CD to come out! No- it does NOT have Slash or Duff or Izzy or even a heroin addicted Steven Adler on it! Yes, it has Axl and a guy who wears a KFC bucket on his head and a bunch of guys I wouldn't know if I was pissing next to them in a urinal! They are my all time favorite- no other group comes close! Dyan was talking about seeing Garth Brooks at our last get together and how she would love to see him live! My first thought when she said that was, "that is how I am for GNR." I have still owned every GNR CD that there has ever been! OK, lets get to a review since I have now listened to pretty much the whole thing! Axl doesn't have the range he had when GNR was THE thing. This is actually pretty easy to pick up from the start! He can still sing like no other though! His range and distinctive voice is what makes him who he is! Overall, the vocals are better than I thought they'd be after seeing them on the MTV awards. As good as Appetite? No! Better than I thought and still powerful and soulfull? ABSOLUTELY! Songwriting? This is where I thought GNR would really suffer missing Izzy! Honestly, the jury is still out! I think the songwriting is pretty good throughout the album and seems to have a GNR tone to it! Guitars? This guy with the bucket on his head is really very good! Is he Slash? Absolutely, 100%, without a doubt in the world- NO! Slash's riffs made GNR Guns 'N Roses! He is missed! Buckethead can play, he gets Axl's style and they fit pretty good and the music and melodies mesh pretty well together! To pick a favorite song, I'd have to say 'Street of Dreams'! I have listened to it like ten times and it absolutely vintage Axl! Slash absolutely ripping something up and rising from the ocean would have been cool, too but that is old and kind of 'been there, done that'! OK, am I happy I shelled out $12 for the new GNR CD? Without a doubt! I really like the CD and will have plenty of rides to and from work wearing it out like I did Appetite, Lies and Illusions! Hey, if nothing else, I spent 12 bucks to feel like I was 19 again and feel cool for having the latest GNR CD! Hokey- probably. Do I care? Nope- not a little bit! LOL- well, off to listen to a little more GNR, take a shower and settle in for the night! Later
Time in like 5 years that I actually paid cash for a CD! Jewels called me from Best Buy and asked me if I wanted her to get me the new GNR CD and I said you bet I do! OK, I have waited 14 years for this CD to come out! No- it does NOT have Slash or Duff or Izzy or even a heroin addicted Steven Adler on it! Yes, it has Axl and a guy who wears a KFC bucket on his head and a bunch of guys I wouldn't know if I was pissing next to them in a urinal! They are my all time favorite- no other group comes close! Dyan was talking about seeing Garth Brooks at our last get together and how she would love to see him live! My first thought when she said that was, "that is how I am for GNR." I have still owned every GNR CD that there has ever been! OK, lets get to a review since I have now listened to pretty much the whole thing! Axl doesn't have the range he had when GNR was THE thing. This is actually pretty easy to pick up from the start! He can still sing like no other though! His range and distinctive voice is what makes him who he is! Overall, the vocals are better than I thought they'd be after seeing them on the MTV awards. As good as Appetite? No! Better than I thought and still powerful and soulfull? ABSOLUTELY! Songwriting? This is where I thought GNR would really suffer missing Izzy! Honestly, the jury is still out! I think the songwriting is pretty good throughout the album and seems to have a GNR tone to it! Guitars? This guy with the bucket on his head is really very good! Is he Slash? Absolutely, 100%, without a doubt in the world- NO! Slash's riffs made GNR Guns 'N Roses! He is missed! Buckethead can play, he gets Axl's style and they fit pretty good and the music and melodies mesh pretty well together! To pick a favorite song, I'd have to say 'Street of Dreams'! I have listened to it like ten times and it absolutely vintage Axl! Slash absolutely ripping something up and rising from the ocean would have been cool, too but that is old and kind of 'been there, done that'! OK, am I happy I shelled out $12 for the new GNR CD? Without a doubt! I really like the CD and will have plenty of rides to and from work wearing it out like I did Appetite, Lies and Illusions! Hey, if nothing else, I spent 12 bucks to feel like I was 19 again and feel cool for having the latest GNR CD! Hokey- probably. Do I care? Nope- not a little bit! LOL- well, off to listen to a little more GNR, take a shower and settle in for the night! Later
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bad Dogs!
I Was Checking My...
Game camera pictures and caught these pics of a couple of bad dogs out past where they are supposed to be! I get a kick out of the fact that they always head out there around the same time both days! I am LOVING this week! I have two more days of work, then it is Thanksgiving and then I work Friday and have Saturday off for the last day of deer hunting! I finally saw another deer today! Actually, it was tonight on my way home from work- on the road I work on! Which is in Bangor and in a no hunting zone! I am thinking I will walk out back in the morning for like 20 minutes then go to work! I have NOT given up hope on a deer yet! I still have two full days off to hunt and stranger things have happened! I have almost shot a deer out back with a grand total of 25 minutes to hunt! I absolutely love Thanksgiving as I have made perfectly clear! Well, the Vikings won a game yesterday that wasn't close! They are tied for first in the division and playing a VERY big game against the Bears Sunday night! Go Saints! I want New Orleans to win tonight so the Vikes will only be tied with the Bears for first!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Blog Slacking
I Have Been A...
Blog slacker lately! OK, maybe not as bad as SOME people but definitely slacking as far as my normal blogging goes! I have been back to work for three days now and don't really have much to say about it! It is still busy and they saved a lot of paperwork for me to do so I have plenty to do! I am firmly convinced that there is a serious shortage in deer! I saw a grand total of TWO my entire week off and have seen a whopping ZERO this week- going every day before work! I decided to post a before and after pic of Sean's broken arm! He was pretty bummed out that he couldn't play video games but I am happy to report that he has solved that riddle! He is playing away with his broken arm, kicking butt in all his favorite games! He really hasn't
Friday, November 14, 2008
Down to the Wire
Tomorrow Is My Last...
Day of vacation for hunting! I still have Sunday off but you can't hunt in Maine on Sunday so I guess I probably better not! LOL. I might have had my chance on Thursday and I think I blew it! We saw a nice fat six pointer but I saw the deer's antlers right off the bat and Dad doesn't have a doe permit so I tried to make sure he got a crack at the deer and it slipped by us! I had a good shot at him but Dad saw the deer first and he has to shoot a buck! I still have all day tomorrow and Monday morning before I go back to work but my vacation is quickly wrapping up and it is starting to look bleak for getting one! There doesn't seem to be many deer out back! I have seen one lamb on opening day and even that deer was on the other side of the road! There is sign out back but no buck sign! For all the deer I caught on my game camera, I thought this may be easy but it hasn't turned out that way! It is like the deer moved off or aren't moving! I still have a couple of days left before the season is a complete failure! I can hunt on Thansgiving and I will take the last day off if need be! I have a half hour before work every day and I will probably hunt with Dad on those days and let out back settle down! Jessi made the cheerleading team! That is great news! And all her friends are on the saem team with her so that should be fun! I am SUPER excited about the dip party tomorrow night! I love a good dip! I am going to be double dippin' all over Nicole's joint! LOL. Well, I need to go mix myself and my wife a drink and wait for miss cheerleader to come home! See everyone tomorrow night and hopefully, I will have a full tag! I went and got some rattling antlers today at Dick's and I plan on hunting my ass off tomorrow to see if we can put a wrap on this hunting season! I don't quit easy- as a matter of fact, I don't quit at all! So I am off to mix up a cold one and congratulate my daughter on making the team! Later
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Mowing the Pipeline
OK, I Thought I Would...
Post a few hunting pictures and another picture of that fox! I hunted hard today again and didn't see a deer! Dad and I got back from hunting around 11 and I decided I was going to mow the pipeline! The pipeline is all grown up bushes, grass and small trees and I am having a hard time seeing any deer with it all grown up! Well, I made sure my lawn mower would start then filled it with gas and wheeled it all the way down to the pipeline then I began mowing! It was HARD! The stuff was thick and hard on the blade and made bad sounds while I was doing it! I told Colleen I did it and she doesn't believe me! Dad doesn't believe me either! Dad was like, "you mean you mowed one strip down." NO, I mowed it like 15 yards wide from the top of the hill to the swale hole! Probably 150 yards worth! Colleen- you need to drive that way on your way to work and see! Maybe I will take some pics of it tomorrow even though I don't have a before and after pic! Well, off to go eat some supper! Later
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
As You May Already Know...
I am on vacation this week! The hunting has been really slow! I just saw my first deer of the week about 45 minutes ago and we couldn't get close enough for a good, clean shot! My wife is taking a shower and then we are all going out to Olive Garden for lunch! The kids and Colleen are both off today so I am probably done hunting until the evening sit! Colleen did her lamp all by herself last night and today and it looks really good!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Today Was Oficially...
My last day of work before vacation! The day wasn't that bad at work, the time went by much faster then I thought it would and I am away from that place for a full week! I NEED to find me a deer! I will NOT be picky because there seems to be a serious shortage in deer this year and everyone I talk to says they aren't seeing deer! I have seen three this week which isn't bad but I am not seeing deer out back and that worries me! I am also not catching deer on my camera- as seen by the photos here! There isn't any buck sign out back which means my two bucks have gone off somewhere- hopefully to return back here when the rut starts- which should be this week! I need to get some goodies for hunting tomorrow and my brother wants me to come out and watch Vikings-Packers part 2 out to his house! He also has the new Guitar Hero and he is hankering for an ass kicking so I might have to give him that, too! I am growing a beard since it is deer season and my wife hasn't said anything yet but I am sure she will- she hates it when I grow a beard and she is usually the driving force behind me shaving it off! I do it as a tribute to the deer and because it keeps your face warm when it is cold outside! I am tired even though it is only 9 PM and I think I am heading upstairs to bed! I have to take one of Jessi's friends home before 8 AM so I guess I don't get to sleep in even though it is the ONE day I actually could sleep in! Well, off to bed! Night!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hunting and Upcoming Vacation
I Am SO Excited!
I am SO ready for my vacation! Eight days off, six days of hunting! Sounds like a pretty good deal to me! I finally saw my first deer this morning- a lamb at like 300 yards but that is a start. I really miss my night spot. They didn't hay it so it is like four feet hay and my pipeline isn't cut and it is really hard to see deer back there, too. My night spot was THE spot! Last year, I saw 15 deer in that spot. It is a long way from the road and people don't like to work like that so I always had it to myself and the setup was as good as it can be! I have shot two deer there and should have shot more! Hopefully, the rut will pick things up and I can see one of the two bucks out back! I need to see some promise for the season! I also need to buy a farm tractor and hay my night spot and the pipeline! I keep getting pictures of this fox! They are pretty cool animals! Well, 430 AM comes early! Hope everyone got out and voted today! Night
Monday, November 3, 2008
PARTY and Hunting
Game Camera Pics!
We had our first Halloween party on Saturday and it was a HUGE success! Everyone dressed up and the costumes absolutely kicked butt! We drank, talked and played Guitar Hero and baseball and basically had a great time! THAT needs to be a tradition! I haven't solved the whole bear in the woods mystery yet but I have proof that a fox most definitely shits in the woods! Hunting has been very slow so far this year! I just got back from sitting and freezing my ass off and I still haven't seen a deer yet! I need to go pick my Dad up in a couple minutes and then go back out hunting. I took today off to hunt and take Jessi to a dentist appointment and that is what I plan to do! Well, off to see if I can finally see a deer! Later
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