I Have Been Blog Slacking Lately!
Looking forward to the 4th and some time off from work and looking forward to camp! Also can't wait for the party this weekend! I am on call which sucks big time! That doesn't mean I can't have a good time though! GH Aerosmith is awesome! Well, my wife doesn't like Aerosmith so maybe not for her! They chose good cover songs and good Aerosmith songs which makes for a fun game! I have moved up to hard at the prodding of my wife! Well, off to put my card back in my game camera, make a cup of coffee and head to work! Later
I can't wait for GH! Gotta try it. I have not played ours for months...I bet I will have to start back at easy again LOL.... Looking for a babysitter but looking forward to coming over!
LOVE GH Aerosmith! Can't wait for this weekend, either!
Well, if Sean is anything remotely like Aidan, I would probably feel the same way. It's like watching Animal from the Muppets play drums. You can't stand within an eight foot radius of him or you'll lose an eye.
Sophie actually jacked herself in the chin with her own knee while she was going crazy on the kick-drum pedal.
Violent stuff, I tell ya.
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