If You Can Judge A Party...
By the game camera pics, then I would say it was a success! I had an awesome time as we always do with get togethers and I think everyone had a good time! I want to thank every one for coming and taking part! We had boob cakes and fires and spiked watermelon and late arrivals and finally called it quits arouns 3 AM ! I have been up since 8 AM, made breakfast for everyone still here and went and picked up my children! I can't believe that deer came in with all the activity in and around the camera! I got a little tipsy but I am not hung over- maybe a little tired but I think I have a nap in my future! Camp in six days and I am looking forward to it! I am already looking forward to the Christmas party and stuff! I got my new tattoo for my birthday! Drawn by Jerry and it came out absolutely awesome! I love it! Everyone is saying I will chicken out on getting the arm band all the way around but it isn't happening! No way I would wimp out on that! Well, off to help colleen pick up the house and go to the dump! Later
That game camera is just so cool. You will have to send me a copy of the dirty one of Jerry and I LOL...Too much crack in that one but oh well!...Guess I should have worn that thong after all!
Hope you had a great party! I am surprised I am not puking and miserable after all I drank...Maybe I just had too much fun to be sick :)
I had a blast! I will forward the dirty one to you guys! LOL
As always the party was great. it set the bar at an all new level.
I am glad that you like the tattoo.
I was having a hard time not saying anything about it.
hey if you do decide to chicken out I can tip the band a bit on each side and turn it into a tramp stamp for ya. Let me know brotha. ;0)
Very tempting! LOL You know how I have wanted a tramp stamp!
OMG, that camera is too much! My retinas are still burning from your full moon shot though. Wow. That was some white, white ass.
The fact that a deer showed up some point is hysterical!
LOL- it doesn't get to see much sun!
I think the white ass what the LEAST traumatizing part of that photo!!!!!!
I think seeing your balls may have damaged me more than I am already!
LOL- they are just balls! Not like I could iron the wrinkles out of them or something!
Scrogglins.... That's all I'm gonna say.
Next time just pull the pants to the end of the crack.....Just some pointers....You know from the chick with the plumber butt picture LOL
Good advise, Jewels!
Ooooooooh wait till you pull that card when you return.
LOL- I can't wait!
I already had Julie rollin' telling her some of the stuff that is gonna be on there.
Just don't show me deep! LOL
ROFLMAO! No worries bub.
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