To My Wonderful...
Wife! Thirteen years ago tomorrow, we were married! We have come a long way since then! Apartments, dogs, babies, cats, stolen cars, having next to nothing to where we are now! So many people never make it this far! So many people give up or stop loving each other or get sick of each other! We are lucky! We seem to have found the right balance of give and take, the right balance of getting along and fighting the right balance of most things, I think! I am very lucky to have the wife I have and I love you, Honey! Maybe I am hokey and corny and sappy but oh well, 13 years ago, you married me and now you are stuck with me.
Sunday Was Sophie's...
Birthday party! We had a good time as usual! We also went to a party at Jerry and Julie's house Saturday night and that was fun, too! Work was very busy today but it was 3:30 before I knew it! I am on call for the next two weeks which sucks royal donkey dick but I guess it could be worse! Well, I have to get some laundry going, work out and take a shower before the demon pager starts going off so I am out! Night!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Rick & Jerry's Key For Survival
This Will Break Down the People in Our Go to Group:
Guy Smiley: Blind man who walks down Broadway every day at 5:30 PM when we are driving home! He is in love with Salvation Army(coming next) and in lust with Jerry! Just so happens he is also my real father! Really, he is an almost blind man with very, very thick glasses, a cane, seriously messed up teeth and a great big, shit eating grin on his face that has NEVER not been there! Until today!
Salvation Army: Obscenely fat guy that worked at Salvation Army- was literally laying on the counter when we walked in to the store! Favorite saying: "I'll show him deep!" Countless trips to and from work have been spent trying to figure out how this man WOULD have sex were he able to find a partner willing to have sex with him! We are mean! We have no boundaries and literally NOTHING is off limits when we discuss this! I will leave it at that!
Buckle(Nate): A real person we knew when younger! Buckled like an extremely old mule any time the opportunity was given to rat! We have also spent countless hours discussing the things Nate would do to get a sale as a tractor salesman! Some of oour best work yet in my opinion!
Eric: If you have ever been to Hampden Irving- you know Eric! Enough said!
Clown-like Hobo: Sorry- I made him up! Use your imagination and I think you get a pretty good picture! BBQ sauce on his taint and all!
Game Camera: If you don't know, give up now!
Guy Smiley: Blind man who walks down Broadway every day at 5:30 PM when we are driving home! He is in love with Salvation Army(coming next) and in lust with Jerry! Just so happens he is also my real father! Really, he is an almost blind man with very, very thick glasses, a cane, seriously messed up teeth and a great big, shit eating grin on his face that has NEVER not been there! Until today!
Salvation Army: Obscenely fat guy that worked at Salvation Army- was literally laying on the counter when we walked in to the store! Favorite saying: "I'll show him deep!" Countless trips to and from work have been spent trying to figure out how this man WOULD have sex were he able to find a partner willing to have sex with him! We are mean! We have no boundaries and literally NOTHING is off limits when we discuss this! I will leave it at that!
Buckle(Nate): A real person we knew when younger! Buckled like an extremely old mule any time the opportunity was given to rat! We have also spent countless hours discussing the things Nate would do to get a sale as a tractor salesman! Some of oour best work yet in my opinion!
Eric: If you have ever been to Hampden Irving- you know Eric! Enough said!
Clown-like Hobo: Sorry- I made him up! Use your imagination and I think you get a pretty good picture! BBQ sauce on his taint and all!
Game Camera: If you don't know, give up now!
Monday, July 21, 2008
I Couldn't Resist!
Back To Work
Last Night Was Our Last Day...
Off vacation! We had Jerry, Julie and Zack over for one last night of fun! I drank too much- which was the only time I did that my entire vacation! We got a couple of game camera pics but they pretty much just got me in the pics and I think we have seen WAY too much of me on there! LOL. I went back to work this morning and for work, it wasn't that bad! People actually notice when I am not there and that makes me feel good! Plus, I don't really mind my job even though I work my butt off when I am there! Al is always good to me when I come back from vacation! He says stuff like, "thank God you are back!" He might not show it all the time but I know he appreciates me! I just finished working out and took a shower and I feel pretty good right now!
To Recap Our Vacation...
I thought it was one of the best! We had the right mix of camp and beach with some Cabela's thrown in and except for the whole tenting out thing, I wouldn't change a thing! I am already thinking of something for next year! I don't think it will take much more tweaking before we get it perfect! My thought for next year is camp, then OOB then maybe that stupid little Santa's village place in NH. I went there when I was a kid and I still remember it! I guess the man on the mountain fell off so that isn't still there! Heck, I don't even know if the village place is still there! I don't know- maybe that is a stupid idea and if it is, it shouldn't take Colleen long to tell me so! Well, off to chill out a little longer and then get some shut eye! Night
Off vacation! We had Jerry, Julie and Zack over for one last night of fun! I drank too much- which was the only time I did that my entire vacation! We got a couple of game camera pics but they pretty much just got me in the pics and I think we have seen WAY too much of me on there! LOL. I went back to work this morning and for work, it wasn't that bad! People actually notice when I am not there and that makes me feel good! Plus, I don't really mind my job even though I work my butt off when I am there! Al is always good to me when I come back from vacation! He says stuff like, "thank God you are back!" He might not show it all the time but I know he appreciates me! I just finished working out and took a shower and I feel pretty good right now!
To Recap Our Vacation...
I thought it was one of the best! We had the right mix of camp and beach with some Cabela's thrown in and except for the whole tenting out thing, I wouldn't change a thing! I am already thinking of something for next year! I don't think it will take much more tweaking before we get it perfect! My thought for next year is camp, then OOB then maybe that stupid little Santa's village place in NH. I went there when I was a kid and I still remember it! I guess the man on the mountain fell off so that isn't still there! Heck, I don't even know if the village place is still there! I don't know- maybe that is a stupid idea and if it is, it shouldn't take Colleen long to tell me so! Well, off to chill out a little longer and then get some shut eye! Night
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I need you to check out this video and tell me if this kid is for real! I was TOTALLY blown away!
Friday, July 18, 2008
OOB, Vacation and Game Camera
From OOB- we got home about 45 minutes ago! My wife is NOT a big fan of sleeping in a tent and she had had enough and wanted to sleep in her own bed! I think only Jessi and Liv really wanted to spend the night! They had some reall bad thunderstorms down there while we were at Funtown and there was a really bad one once we were packed and on our way out! All in all, I would say it was a very nice trip! We got to swim in the pool and hot tubs, wander around the beach and boardwalk and go to Funtown/Splashtown! It was quite an enjoyable trip all in all! I got another picture of my second love before we left! Nice to see he is having a good sumer! Look forward to ending his existance on this planet in Novemeber! LOL! Well, off to take a shower and settle in for the night! Two days left of vacation and I am back at work! Hoping for a couple quiet days before I get back at it! Night
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Camp, Game Camera and OOB
As usual! We ate good, swam, drank a little, fished and canoed a lot and even caught some fish! My Dad caught two fish at the 'lake that kicks my ass' aka East Grand! One was a monster eight pound togue and the other was a pretty nice 20 inch salmon! Sean and I caught a bunch of bass and perch and we stayed pretty busy! Camp isn't for everyone- Colleen and Jessi got bored and came home Tuesday and B, Grampa, Sean and I stayed until Wednesday morning! Tomorrow we are off to OOB and Cabela's! We are tenting out which should be interesting and fun! I am thinking my wife is going to see all the cool camping gadgets I don't have and when we do this trip again next year, I will have camp cookware, a Coleman stove, lanterns and the whole nine yards! Now, if you wasted some time and came over to my house while we were gone for game camera pics, they were wasted! This is the one picture I got and the batteries were dead or something and it took NO pictures! I was excited to get home and see what my camera had caught but it let me down! I have not worked out since Friday night so I am looking forward to lifting some weights tonight! I paddled the heck out of a canoe so I did get some exercise but I will take care of business tonight and then have to wait until Saturday night to hit it again! I am REALLY looking forward to Sean seeing Cabela's! It is quite a store if it is anything like the one in Pennsylvania! Well, off to chill out, cook on my grill, work out and get ready for the big OOB trip! The game camera is up and rolling again so feel free to leave me some pics if you have nothing better to do! Night and talk to you all Saturday night! Later
Friday, July 11, 2008
Vacation and Favre
Day of work for a whole week! I have been looking forward to today for weeks! The day dragged a little bit but it is FINALLY all over! We are getting ready for camp and packing stuff for our trip! I am looking forward to camp then OOB! A week away from work would be great but I think we have enough fun packed into the week to make it a truly awesome week! The last time we went to Portland for a night, we had a blast- except for the HUGE snow storm we had to drive home in! I don't think we will have to worry about a snow storm next week! I had to post this picture of the raccoon with the laser beam eyes! Looks like he is melting some other raccoon or deer with his eyes! The big news on ESPN is that Favre wants the Packers to release him and let him choose the team he wants to play for! The Vikings are a QB away from being a SB contender and are reported to have already contacted Favre's agent about him coming to the Vikings! OK- I know what you are thinking- the player I hate the most of every player EVER in the NFL playing for MY Vikings? Rick- have you lost your mind? NO- I haven't! He makes the Vikings a Super Bowl contender INSTANTLY! The only thing the Vikings lack is an experienced QB! People couldn't stack 8 and 9 in the box to stop AD, he would run WILD against normal sets and Favre could tear apart defenses stacked to stop AD! How great would it be to see Favre play for the Vikings twice a year and tear the hearts out of the Packers? I hope it happens! It would be the most compelling story in the NFL next year! Vikings fans are torn on whether they want him to play for us! I say it is worth it to see the Packer's fans squirm in their seats when #4 in purple comes out to take the ball with 2:00 left and the Vikes down by four! LOVE IT! Well, off to help my wife pack and get ready for camp tomorrow! Night and talk to everyone on Tuesday when we come back!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
As Most People Who Read This Know...
Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 39! I thought I would feel suddenly different and shit but the truth is I don't feel ANY different! It was another day- a very fun day at that but still just another day! I don't suddenly feel all old, my body didn't instantly turn all wrinkly, my bones and muscles didn't suddenly turn all sore and weak, I didn't have to start taking a Viagra IV to get hard and I really don't feel old! Guess I was all worked up over absolutely nothing! I am thinking age is nothing but a stupid number and I don't think that getting old is a concrete, put in numbers kind of thing! Quick summary of a rather uneventful day- I worked, came home, ate, worked out and showered and blogged! If you need a good laugh, check out Jerry's blog! It is a riot! Night
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Oh My!
What Did I Catch Here?
I ran out and got my card out of my camera this morning, put it in the computer and this buck popped up on my screen! I think this big boy just wanted to come see what all the hub-bub was from the night before! He is quite an impressive buck! Got an idea he might occupy my mind for the next four plus months until he and I can do battle! He is still a little thin but he should bulk up nicely before November! If he keeps eating the grain I put out, he should fatten up nicely! I am looking forward to chasing this big boy around and see if I can get him to make a mistake and take him down! Solid eight pointer in velvet! I LIKE DEER! Later
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Interesting Night!
If You Can Judge A Party...
By the game camera pics, then I would say it was a success! I had an awesome time as we always do with get togethers and I think everyone had a good time! I want to thank every one for coming and taking part! We had boob cakes and fires and spiked watermelon and late arrivals and finally called it quits arouns 3 AM ! I have been up since 8 AM, made breakfast for everyone still here and went and picked up my children! I can't believe that deer came in with all the activity in and around the camera! I got a little tipsy but I am not hung over- maybe a little tired but I think I have a nap in my future! Camp in six days and I am looking forward to it! I am already looking forward to the Christmas party and stuff! I got my new tattoo for my birthday! Drawn by Jerry and it came out absolutely awesome! I love it! Everyone is saying I will chicken out on getting the arm band all the way around but it isn't happening! No way I would wimp out on that! Well, off to help colleen pick up the house and go to the dump! Later
Friday, July 4, 2008
The Game Camera Is Ready
For the big PARTY! Today is the 4th of July and Wednesday is my birthday! I will be 39 years old- and not real happy about it! Need to get ALOT of stuff done around the house today in preparation for tomorrow! Should be a house full here tomorrow night! Looking forward to a good time! Later
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Birthday and Jessi and I went out shopping for a present for her yesterday! I had a really good time! I don't spend nearly as much time with my daughter who is six months away from being a teenager as I would like to! She is a girl and likes to do WAY different things then her Dad likes to do. Next Friday, we are heading to camp and we will do stuff together there for sure! We can swim together, fish together and eat together and talk and take walks and pictures! I look forward to camp. I love my family and enjoy spending an uninterupted week with them. Saturday is the big party! Can't wait for that! I have Friday off, have work Saturday and then have Sunday off! Then I work Monday-Friday and I am on vacation! Well, off to see if I can get something accomplished before I go work out! Night
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
My Deer Is Back
I Have Been Blog Slacking Lately!
Looking forward to the 4th and some time off from work and looking forward to camp! Also can't wait for the party this weekend! I am on call which sucks big time! That doesn't mean I can't have a good time though! GH Aerosmith is awesome! Well, my wife doesn't like Aerosmith so maybe not for her! They chose good cover songs and good Aerosmith songs which makes for a fun game! I have moved up to hard at the prodding of my wife! Well, off to put my card back in my game camera, make a cup of coffee and head to work! Later
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