These Pics Are...
From the Sunday we went and saw Liv compete in a horse competition and we had a really good time! I have been kind of lazy with my working out lately so I stepped it up a notch and worked out again tonight while the Sox whipped some Angel's butt! I spent the afternoon at work feeling like crap but whatever it was went away after a couple of hours and I feel OK now. I felt like I was going to puke, had aches and pains and felt hot like I had a fever! I came home, remembered to get Jessi and ran out for a little quick bird hunting before it got dark! I ended up jumping two deer and easily could have shot them both! One was an absolutely huge doe! I am talking 150 pound doe! Maybe we can meet again- I am thinking in like three weeks! Well, I am off to get some sleep since I have the good fortune of doing yard check in the morning! I am SO sick of construction in Bangor and that I can't find a way to get to work or home in less then 45 minutes!
Nice shades. Sean's shades fit you because you have a tiny head and an even tinier BRAIN!
Goes along with my tiny... Never mind!
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