The Week Is Almost...
Over! I still have to work tomorrow and then I have a day off! I am on call this weekend which totally sucks and I could really use two days off in a row but I will live! I told todd that I was thinking two more Mondays and then Ty should be good to go! Of course, that all goes out the window if Al is building a camp!

Today wsn't too bad at all! Sean and I went hunting, work was manageable and Jerry and I saw a nice buck on the way to work! I thought I'd throw down some apple throwing pictures and a pic of me mowing the lawn! No reason really- just saw them and thought they looked pretty cool. I need to go up stairs and work out in a few and then watch the Sox smoke the Angels! Off to go do something productive before I go to bed! Later
I get sick of working 5 days/ 40 hours a week let alone 6 days and "whatever" hours a week you're doing!
LOL- I understand that! I was the same way when I worked for Irving! I LIKE where I work now so it doesn't bother me to work that hard for them. I don't enjoy working that much but it could be worse- we could not have jobs at all! LOL. I hope you find something that you enjoy and make tons of money doing! That is really all you can ask for!
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