I Would Have To Say...
That this is Colleen's year! She will get her bachelor's degree, got a new job, got both kids in school and is enjoying her new camera and taking pictures! I am very happy for her because she deserves it! She has spent the last twelve years at home, taking care of me and my children and now she can finally finish her degree- which she had to stop pursuing because of our kids and she gets a pretty descent job that allows her to be home when the kids get out of school and when I get home from work! Two incomes won't be completely new- we both worked back when Jessi was little but we combined made what I make now! It should be pretty cool to have some extra money and hopefully a new car for my wife! I am at a good place with my job and hopefully my wife likes her job as much as I like mine! They told me I CAN take my vacation next week and I am pumped for that! Can't wait for a week of deer hunting! I think I have also found a new hunting partner to go with me! We will see for sure on Monday! Later
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Made My Wife...
Stop into my parent's house on the way uptown and take some pictures of my Dad's deer!

Saturday, October 27, 2007
OK, Let's Give A ...
Run down on this afternoon's hunting! I went to my honey hole and there were already two deer there at 3 PM when I got there! I snuck within a couple hundred yards of the deer, scoped them several times and determined that they were both does and that they could be left alone! I have a doe permit but it is opening day! So, I sit there for the rest of the afternoon and I start thinking that deer should be coming out around 5! I look at my watch and it says 5:05 and I look across the field and there is a deer! I scope it- another doe! Look! Another behind that one! Crap, doe, too! Wait- there is a third one! You guessed it, doe, too! They are 180-200 yards away and feeding across the field. I scope them in every possible position I can think to contort my body into! Kneeling, sitting, prone, one hand on my pee-pee! LOL- just kidding about the pee-pee- I did that long before the deer came out! LOL! So, the deer act like there is another deer behind them! I wait and keep looking expecting a 400 pound monstah to come walking about behind the three does! No dice! The deer are almost across the field- as a matter of fact, the first deer is starting into the woods! I think- no, actually I say to myself. "Rick, if you want to shoot a fucking deer tonight, now is the time!" I answer myself, "OK." Then I proceed to lay down on the ground with my gun resting comfortably on a log with an absolutely perfect shot lined up! I pretend to shoot the last doe like four times and then I click off the safety! Get everything like I want it and squeeze the trigger! I know this deer is mine and when the gun hammers against my shoulder, I notice the deer had taken a step and I shot directly behind the deer! SHIT! I smack my forehead with my open hand and say, "Jeese, Rick- nice shot! You missed the deer by three feet!" So, aforementioned deer run into the woods, I feel like an absolute IDIOT and still have to walk over and check for hair and blood just incase a fourth deer came out of nowhere and I hit that one! No dice! The good news is my Dad did shoot one and he hates deer meat so guess who gets all that? LOL! Well, off to eat myself back to 200 pounds and sulk! Night!
Run down on this afternoon's hunting! I went to my honey hole and there were already two deer there at 3 PM when I got there! I snuck within a couple hundred yards of the deer, scoped them several times and determined that they were both does and that they could be left alone! I have a doe permit but it is opening day! So, I sit there for the rest of the afternoon and I start thinking that deer should be coming out around 5! I look at my watch and it says 5:05 and I look across the field and there is a deer! I scope it- another doe! Look! Another behind that one! Crap, doe, too! Wait- there is a third one! You guessed it, doe, too! They are 180-200 yards away and feeding across the field. I scope them in every possible position I can think to contort my body into! Kneeling, sitting, prone, one hand on my pee-pee! LOL- just kidding about the pee-pee- I did that long before the deer came out! LOL! So, the deer act like there is another deer behind them! I wait and keep looking expecting a 400 pound monstah to come walking about behind the three does! No dice! The deer are almost across the field- as a matter of fact, the first deer is starting into the woods! I think- no, actually I say to myself. "Rick, if you want to shoot a fucking deer tonight, now is the time!" I answer myself, "OK." Then I proceed to lay down on the ground with my gun resting comfortably on a log with an absolutely perfect shot lined up! I pretend to shoot the last doe like four times and then I click off the safety! Get everything like I want it and squeeze the trigger! I know this deer is mine and when the gun hammers against my shoulder, I notice the deer had taken a step and I shot directly behind the deer! SHIT! I smack my forehead with my open hand and say, "Jeese, Rick- nice shot! You missed the deer by three feet!" So, aforementioned deer run into the woods, I feel like an absolute IDIOT and still have to walk over and check for hair and blood just incase a fourth deer came out of nowhere and I hit that one! No dice! The good news is my Dad did shoot one and he hates deer meat so guess who gets all that? LOL! Well, off to eat myself back to 200 pounds and sulk! Night!
Opening Day
As I like to refer to it is today! I had an absolutely lousy morning! I slept like crap and kept waking up every hour or so to see if it was time and then I got up and everything went fine! I got to my stand, climbed up in and got my new strap on and went to put my head mask on and knocked my glasses off and they fell out of the tree stand! I can't see without my glasses! Ten deer could walk by me and I would never see them! I waited until it got light enough to see and climbed down and looked for them! I couldn't find them and finally got pissed off and ran back to the house. I put my contacts in and got back out there and then promptly heard two shots right behind me! I waited for a few minutes to see if anything would come by me then went out to make sure it wasn't Dad shooting! I got back to my stand, got strapped in and my phone starts vibrating! I answer it and it is Dad and he has just shot a buck! I climb down, go get my car and go find Dad who has already found the deer- a nice, fat 4 point buck! We gut his deer out, I drag it out of the woods for him and load it in my car then go to show my kids and tag his deer! I just got home, stripped off my absolutely soaked clothes and am having a cup of coffee! The spot I have planned for tonight is my honey spot! If the weather stays like this, I should have no problem at least seeing some deer tonight! I did find my glasses, too! They fell out of my tree stand and hung on a branch! I felt like an idiot this morning! One deer down, one to go! Later
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Birthday! 12 years ago, Jessi was born on Wednesday, Oct 25 at 1130 PM! I went out and shot a deer on Saturday! LOL! I can't believe she is 12! My wife's blog was right on the money and said it perfectly! Hunting starts in two days and I am SO ready! No hemming and hawing over deer- one walks by, it falls down! Both my children want to go to a hunter's breakfast with me on Saturday even though we will be going at like 430 AM! Sox SMOKED Colorado in the opener and it was OVER by the 5th! I went to bed confident that game was over after only five innings! I need to go upstairs and work out, take a shower and get ready for game 2! Off to do something! Later
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
World Series
Starts tonight and my wife is overjoyed! She is going to snuggle in with me and some popcorn and we are going to watch the whole game! NOT! She hates ALL sports and wouldn't be caught dead watching a baseball game! I don't mind though- she puts up with me and my obsession with sports so I can't complain! Had a delicious lasagna for supper! Thank you, Honey! Jessi is 12 tomorrow and I am doing much better now! Well, off to shower and get on some jammies and settle in for Josh Beckett! Later
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Feeling Old
With My Little...
Girl turning 12, I am feeling old this week! She is raking in HUGE gifts every day this week and I am very happy to see her love all gifts but 12 years old? She has her own cell phone now and will be a teenager next year! Jerry and I were talking about seeing your child for the first time when they are born on the ride home tonight! I honestly never thought you could love someone at first sight but when I saw Jessi for the first time, I was in awe that I made something THAT perfect! There is no other experience like that in the world! Seeing your child for the first time- after ten months of wondering if they will be ok, what sex they will be, what they will be like! Something I will NEVER forget! They grow up very fast and I am not coping all that well with that revelation! My son will be six next year, my daughter 13! As Kenny would say- don't blink! Later
Birthdays and Hunting
This Week Is...
Jessi's birthday- she will be 12 and opening week of deer season! I am only working until Friday since I have Saturday off and I have a three day weekend! We gave Jessi her new phone last night and I think my wife's blogged summed it up very nicely! I need a safety harness NOW! And wool socks! Oh well, I can go get them on Friday or somewhere there abouts! Lots going on this weekend with opening day, Jessi's birthday and multiple Halloween parties! TTYL
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sunday Fun
Today Is Scott and I's...
Super Bowl! Our teams play today and that only happens every three or four years! I have been busy getting my stuff done before I go over to his house to watch the game! I cleared shooting lanes at my tree stand and got some stuff ready for the big day this Saturday! Alex is off this week to go hunting in Canada and he will not be there all week! I have Saturday and Monday off to hunt and I think I better shoot a deer on one of those two days! All I have to say is GO VIKINGS! I hope it is a good game and the Vikings squeak it out in the end! Well, off to go watch football with my brother! Later
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Father And Son

I Love These Pictures...Of Sean and I fishing! I love taking him fishing and doing stuff with him! My week is finally over and I get to spend a day off with my family before I have to go back to work for five day! Next Saturday is opening day and I have Saturday, Sunday and Monday off! My wife and Jessi and Nicole are at fright night at Fort Knox! I have a few things to take care of tomorrow before I go out to Scott's house for football! Vikes-Cowboys tomorrow in a match up of brothers! Can not wait! Later

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I Woke Up This Morning and...
Was deathly sick! Sick of working that is! Well, it is October and I have yet to use any of my three sick/personal days so I decided I was going to use one today! I have had an awesome day! I went bird hunting with my Dad, had lunch and stuff with my wife and am now waiting for Sean to come home so he and I can go hunting tonight! I worked out Monday and Tuesday so I am also free to not work out tonight! My wife wants to go grocery shopping and get something yummy for supper! Off to lay down and go to sleep because I ~cough-cough~ don't feel so good! Later
Was deathly sick! Sick of working that is! Well, it is October and I have yet to use any of my three sick/personal days so I decided I was going to use one today! I have had an awesome day! I went bird hunting with my Dad, had lunch and stuff with my wife and am now waiting for Sean to come home so he and I can go hunting tonight! I worked out Monday and Tuesday so I am also free to not work out tonight! My wife wants to go grocery shopping and get something yummy for supper! Off to lay down and go to sleep because I ~cough-cough~ don't feel so good! Later
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Where I Will Be
I Chose These...
Pictures because this is where I will be one week from Saturday! Not wearing a tank top and jeans of course unless I was an idiot and wanted to freeze to death! I need a safety harness for my tree stand because gay men like muself are afraid of falling out of trees and getting all stove up! I couldn't look pretty and I might break a nail! THAT is for you, Honey and Kristie and Karen! LOL Well, off to work even though I really want to call in sick! Later
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Feeling Giddy
The Vikings Went Into...
Chicago and shocked the former NFC champs and AP went off for 223 yards and three TDs! In typical Viking fashion, they tried to throw the game away at the end and hung on by kicking a 55 yard field goal as time expired! I HATE the Bears! They are up there with GB as teams I hate the most! Plus, their fans are arrogant idiots and it is nice to see them get theirs! AP is special! I wish they had more talent around him but man, he is good! He took one in from 36 yard, one in from 67 and one in from 73! THAT is impressive! The Bears knew they would be running and it didn't matter! If the Vikes could get rolling and win 7-8 games, they would be primed to add a few pieces in the off season and make a run next year! Sorry, Kristie- my team in no where near the juggernaut your Pats are- they are the Red Sox of football! Your team is good- mine is battling just for mediocre! Night
Chicago and shocked the former NFC champs and AP went off for 223 yards and three TDs! In typical Viking fashion, they tried to throw the game away at the end and hung on by kicking a 55 yard field goal as time expired! I HATE the Bears! They are up there with GB as teams I hate the most! Plus, their fans are arrogant idiots and it is nice to see them get theirs! AP is special! I wish they had more talent around him but man, he is good! He took one in from 36 yard, one in from 67 and one in from 73! THAT is impressive! The Bears knew they would be running and it didn't matter! If the Vikes could get rolling and win 7-8 games, they would be primed to add a few pieces in the off season and make a run next year! Sorry, Kristie- my team in no where near the juggernaut your Pats are- they are the Red Sox of football! Your team is good- mine is battling just for mediocre! Night
My Favorite Day of the Week!
Had an awesome time at Julie's birthday party last night! Awesome company and conversation and fun! I want Philly cheese steaks today! I have the steak but I would need an onion, green pepper, cream cheese and rolls! Dallas vs New England today and I can't wait for this game! Well, off to the dump and then Dad is coming over to go for a walk out back so he can see where my stand is! Don't know why he'd care since he is leaving the week I have off! LOL- I digress!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Deer and Fishing

How About That?
Pictures of deer, fishing and my chiildren! I would have put a picture of my wife in here too, but she would have yelled at me for putting up a picture without her approval! Tomorrow is Friday which means one more day until the weekend! Saturday is Julie's birthday party and I think I will be the DD since I am on call and I think it is my turn to drive anyway! Nothing special happened today really. The day started off pretty shitty but it got better and now it is fine. I need to go do a quick work out then watch Survivor and CSI with my wife. Indians- Red Sox start tomorrow night! GO SOX! Off to lift some weights, shower and chill out! Night

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Feeling OK
Come To Think Of It...
I feel pretty good tonight! I have worked out the last two nights so I can take tonight off guilt
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
In my right hand was my grandfather's rifle! This year, I will shoot my first deer with THAT rifle or I won't shoot one at all! I have seen deer for what seems like every day for a week and a half. Everywhere I go, I see a deer or two! I hope it keeps up and I see plenty of deer during deer season and shoot a HUGE buck! The truth is I have been thinking of Gramp a lot lately! He was my hero growing up- he fought in WW2 and he spoiled me rotten! Yes, he drank too much and yes he might have not been the best person in the world but he was GRAMP to me! Speaking of gramp and feeling old, I was working today and one of the girls up to the other building sent me a message to see if I could have someone look at her car for her and she called me Mr. Jordan! I later found out that the girl is only 17 but WOW- it made me feel like 200 years old! LOL. Work has been hectic and helter skelter this week as usual and I can't believe it is only Tuesday! Eighteen days until deer season and I just might be a little bit excited! Later
Monday, October 8, 2007
Oh, Monday
A fan of Mondays as I used to be! Today as Mondays go really sucked! It wasn't THAT busy but Al was gone, Ty called in sick and Todd was hardly there! Top that off with Anthony having school and Donny on vacation and you get a pretty shitty day! My head hurt when I headed home! I had a nice supper though and said hi to my wife and kids and feel better now! I like this picture of the water- it is so calm and the reflection looks cool in the water! 19 days to deer season! It will probably last as long as turkey season and I will be done two hours in! I wouldn't complain about that though since I shot nothing last year! Well, off to work out and hopefully watch the Yankees get sent home for good! Night
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Sunday Morning
Had Company...
Last night! Nicole, Sophie, Jerry, Julie and Zack came over for some food, drinks and entertainment! Had a great time as always and my only regret was that I was so tired! I was up half the night Friday and needed sleep! Sean and I were playing around with a couple of my guns this morning and I asked my wife if she would take some pictures and she gladly said yes!
Friday, October 5, 2007

The Week Is Almost...
Over! I still have to work tomorrow and then I have a day off! I am on call this weekend which totally sucks and I could really use two days off in a row but I will live! I told todd that I was thinking two more Mondays and then Ty should be good to go! Of course, that all goes out the window if Al is building a camp!

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