It Has Been Quite a...
Week already! Monday was like THE worst day of work I have ever had at Hartt! It was crazy busy and I kept feeling like I was forgetting everything I should remember! I was beat by the time 6 rolled around and I headed home. As most know by now, Scott and I are 99% done with the bathroom upstairs! I am so happy to have that almost completely done and have my own bathroom in our room. SO, back to work! I went to leave work at 5:45 PM and my car was dead. I had to take the shop truck home and today at work, I got a starter and stayed until 8 PM putting that in and getting my car back to good again! The whole time I was doing the starter, I kept thinking of poor Jerry and the nightmare starter he had to do! Brother, mine was no where near as bad! I had to remove a plastic cover, remove two bolts in plain view, take off the terminals, reattach and put it back in! Took me all of two hours and I really wasn't rushing. That includes the time it took to push the car all the way around the shop and into a bay. So, that is all taken care of now even though my wallet is lighter by $130.
I think I speak for EVERYONE that reads this blog when I say.......
Alright, thats enough of that!
Seriously, we just don't need to know this stuff!! I really don't want to have visions of you fighting her off with a stick!
LOL- I was kidding! You did make me laugh though! In case you were wondering though, I didn't need a stick!
OMG you are a WACKO!!!
OMG, do you know that your MOTHER-IN-LAW occasionally reads your blog?! I practically fell out of my chair roaring with surprise and laughter. And, who needs a stick when you've already got a woody?
LOL, Janice! I know you read it but I don't hold back on account of you!
WTMI! Honestly. hahahahahahaha!
pssst - Auntie Joyce occasionally checks in too...
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