Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Friday

This Week Has Sucked...
Both at work and on call! I SO do not look forward to being on call. Last night, I had three calls but they were spaced out perfectly to make sure I didn't get crap for sleep. Then, I woke up, went to work and did yard check in 18 below zero and went about a full day. I have pretty much admitted to the fact that I am a workaholic but I am burning myself up! It is good that I have three weeks off a year because I can really use them. I spread them out pretty evenly and I have one coming up in February! I am taking the same week off that the kids have vacation and plan on hanging out with them and ice fishing on the weekend. Maybe we will all go during the week and I am looking forward to it. Dad, Tom and I are going to East Grand for the weekend and I am planning on breaking in that new ice shack we just built at work. Well, I am bored and the pager hasn't gone off for an hour or so so I am off to look at some porn and mess around. I set a record for coldest day I have ever grilled on today! I have never grilled at 18 below before and now I have! I cooked steak on the grill and it was excellent! Later

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