OK, I Have Gone Into...
Great detail about what a day after a storm is like for me at work so I will just say it was a typical day after a storm at work. today wasn't too bad temp wise though! I am looking forward to our get together on Saturday and I am looking forward to the Super Bowl on Sunday and my quickly upcoming vacation. Colleen and I are planning a trip to Portland on my vacation and I am going on an ice fishing trip on Fri/Sat/Sun. Football will be all over after this Sunday even though it has really been over for me for about three weeks. Nicole told me she is making potato chip chicken on Saturday and my wife is making spice cake and Jewels is making brownies. I am pretty sure Tom will bring a 55 gallon drum of sour cream! LOL
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
My Blog For Nicole
OK, So Nicole Totally...
Called me out for my lack of blogtivity but I have to say that with us sitting smack dab in the middle of a miserable, cold winter, I haven't much felt like blogging lately. Nothing overly exciting has happened that I can think of other than my new phone- which I really do like and will like even more when I get used to it. I am cranking big time on the cardio and have lost six pounds since I started this latest foray into cardio. I am still doing weights and then cardio on the same night and I feel pretty good. I have heard from a good source that we are having a get together on Saturday and I am looking forward to it even though I will be on call. I am sure we will have great food and drinks and I can guarantee that the company will be top notch as always. I did go to a poker game Saturday night with a couple of friends from work and I had a great time! I lost money but I had a really good time and will definitely do it again. Well, I will see everyone on Saturday and I will try to blog six or seven times before then to please Nicole. LOL
Called me out for my lack of blogtivity but I have to say that with us sitting smack dab in the middle of a miserable, cold winter, I haven't much felt like blogging lately. Nothing overly exciting has happened that I can think of other than my new phone- which I really do like and will like even more when I get used to it. I am cranking big time on the cardio and have lost six pounds since I started this latest foray into cardio. I am still doing weights and then cardio on the same night and I feel pretty good. I have heard from a good source that we are having a get together on Saturday and I am looking forward to it even though I will be on call. I am sure we will have great food and drinks and I can guarantee that the company will be top notch as always. I did go to a poker game Saturday night with a couple of friends from work and I had a great time! I lost money but I had a really good time and will definitely do it again. Well, I will see everyone on Saturday and I will try to blog six or seven times before then to please Nicole. LOL
Saturday, January 17, 2009
My Friday
This Week Has Sucked...
Both at work and on call! I SO do not look forward to being on call. Last night, I had three calls but they were spaced out perfectly to make sure I didn't get crap for sleep. Then, I woke up, went to work and did yard check in 18 below zero and went about a full day. I have pretty much admitted to the fact that I am a workaholic but I am burning myself up! It is good that I have three weeks off a year because I can really use them. I spread them out pretty evenly and I have one coming up in February! I am taking the same week off that the kids have vacation and plan on hanging out with them and ice fishing on the weekend. Maybe we will all go during the week and I am looking forward to it. Dad, Tom and I are going to East Grand for the weekend and I am planning on breaking in that new ice shack we just built at work. Well, I am bored and the pager hasn't gone off for an hour or so so I am off to look at some porn and mess around. I set a record for coldest day I have ever grilled on today! I have never grilled at 18 below before and now I have! I cooked steak on the grill and it was excellent! Later
Both at work and on call! I SO do not look forward to being on call. Last night, I had three calls but they were spaced out perfectly to make sure I didn't get crap for sleep. Then, I woke up, went to work and did yard check in 18 below zero and went about a full day. I have pretty much admitted to the fact that I am a workaholic but I am burning myself up! It is good that I have three weeks off a year because I can really use them. I spread them out pretty evenly and I have one coming up in February! I am taking the same week off that the kids have vacation and plan on hanging out with them and ice fishing on the weekend. Maybe we will all go during the week and I am looking forward to it. Dad, Tom and I are going to East Grand for the weekend and I am planning on breaking in that new ice shack we just built at work. Well, I am bored and the pager hasn't gone off for an hour or so so I am off to look at some porn and mess around. I set a record for coldest day I have ever grilled on today! I have never grilled at 18 below before and now I have! I cooked steak on the grill and it was excellent! Later
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It Has Been Quite a...
Week already! Monday was like THE worst day of work I have ever had at Hartt! It was crazy busy and I kept feeling like I was forgetting everything I should remember! I was beat by the time 6 rolled around and I headed home. As most know by now, Scott and I are 99% done with the bathroom upstairs! I am so happy to have that almost completely done and have my own bathroom in our room. SO, back to work! I went to leave work at 5:45 PM and my car was dead. I had to take the shop truck home and today at work, I got a starter and stayed until 8 PM putting that in and getting my car back to good again! The whole time I was doing the starter, I kept thinking of poor Jerry and the nightmare starter he had to do! Brother, mine was no where near as bad! I had to remove a plastic cover, remove two bolts in plain view, take off the terminals, reattach and put it back in! Took me all of two hours and I really wasn't rushing. That includes the time it took to push the car all the way around the shop and into a bay. So, that is all taken care of now even though my wallet is lighter by $130.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
OK, So I was Thinking
I realized that on March 5th- less than two months from now, Colleen adn I will have been together for 20 years! I am going out on a limb here and inviting everyone over for a big party to celebrate! I know- it isn't our 20th anniversary or anything extraordinary but I think it is a cool fact! Beside, we need a reason to have a party in March! March really is a ho-hum month so lets see if we can wake up the tulips before they come out of the ground! I will let my wife pick the date since that is her thing but I hope everyone will be over for some food, fun and drinks! Jerry and Julie- you guys have to be close on 20 yourselves! TTYL
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Back to Cardio
OK, Tonight I Finally...
Got back into cardio! I did the gazelle for 20 minutes. I wanted to do it for 30 but it has been at least a year since I did any cardio so I kept it to 20 minutes. I will pay for it tomorrow though cause I can tell I will be sore! I get why Colleen hates it so much and I gave it up for weights a year ago! It is very boring and repetitive. I need to find something to do while I do it and music isn't cutting it. Maybe I will watch some TV but all we have up there now is a DVD player so I guess I could watch 30 minutes of a movie every other night. I see Frank has Hell Boy 2 down to the his store so maybe I will rent that for Sean and I tomorrow night or this weekend. I am on a bit of an adrenaline high right now so I think I will go fold my laundry and see what else I can do. Night
Got back into cardio! I did the gazelle for 20 minutes. I wanted to do it for 30 but it has been at least a year since I did any cardio so I kept it to 20 minutes. I will pay for it tomorrow though cause I can tell I will be sore! I get why Colleen hates it so much and I gave it up for weights a year ago! It is very boring and repetitive. I need to find something to do while I do it and music isn't cutting it. Maybe I will watch some TV but all we have up there now is a DVD player so I guess I could watch 30 minutes of a movie every other night. I see Frank has Hell Boy 2 down to the his store so maybe I will rent that for Sean and I tomorrow night or this weekend. I am on a bit of an adrenaline high right now so I think I will go fold my laundry and see what else I can do. Night
Monday, January 5, 2009
The End and Ice Fishing
Was the last game of the year for my Vikings! They stayed in the game and I actually thought they were going to pull it off but they lost and now I have to wait six months until my team plays again! I thought the Vikings had a really good year! They won the NFC North, improved in several areas, had the leading rusher in the NFL and should be even better next year! The kids and I went ice fishing yesterday morning and we had a blast! It was cold but we sat in the car when we got too cold and we had fun acting like fools out on the ice. We didn't catch any fish and next time we will be going to Plymouth so we can catch some fish. I thought the kids did pretty well for getting up at the crack of dawn to go fishing! Work was pretty blah today. It felt like Monday and that isn't a good thing. I am really sore from acting like a fool out on the ice! My stomach feels like I did 1000 sit ups and my legs hurt! Guess I really am getting close to the big 40! LOL
Was the last game of the year for my Vikings! They stayed in the game and I actually thought they were going to pull it off but they lost and now I have to wait six months until my team plays again! I thought the Vikings had a really good year! They won the NFC North, improved in several areas, had the leading rusher in the NFL and should be even better next year! The kids and I went ice fishing yesterday morning and we had a blast! It was cold but we sat in the car when we got too cold and we had fun acting like fools out on the ice. We didn't catch any fish and next time we will be going to Plymouth so we can catch some fish. I thought the kids did pretty well for getting up at the crack of dawn to go fishing! Work was pretty blah today. It felt like Monday and that isn't a good thing. I am really sore from acting like a fool out on the ice! My stomach feels like I did 1000 sit ups and my legs hurt! Guess I really am getting close to the big 40! LOL
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
We Went Out To Eat...
With Len, Dyan and Nick to the new Japanese/Chinese restaurant last night! The service absolutely sucked but the food was really good! I tried sushi for the first time in my life and I have to say- except for the mackerel, it was really good! I also got invited by a friend from work to go see a playoff NFL game in Tennessee! Work has been ho-hum this week and I have today off! My big plan was to go ice fishing with Sean, Jessi, Dad and some guys from work but I was afraid there wasn't any ice and decided not to risk it! OK, we discussed New Years goals at dinner last night so I will post them so they are in writing! 1. To lose 15 pounds! This will be the easiest of the four I think. I gave up doing cardio about a year ago and I guess I need to add that back to my regiment. I still do a ton of weights but they don't do much for losing weight! I gained about ten pounds over Thanksgiving and Christmas and I need to lose a few pounds so I look good in my bikini for the summer! LOL 2. Finish the bathroom in our bedroom! This should be the second easiest! Scott and I have about an hour or two left and it will be done. This one also includes tiling the other rooms Colleen wants to do and her shoe rack thingy. 3. Get my basement to a normal level so I can actually walk down there and not be ashamed! I want it insulated and if I dare, start framing and putting up real walls! It seems to flood down there every two months no matter what I do so I am worried about that! I would really like a work bench with tools and saw and stuff to make shelves for my wife since Kristie will not let it go! LOL 4. To seriously cut back on dipping or quit all together! I got some nicotine things from my wife but they turn me into a blubbering idiot! I take one and it is like I just smoked crack! Don't know if those are the answer or not! Well, once again- have a fantastic New Years and I hope it is a happy, profitable new year for everyone! Maybe the economy will wake up and things will turn around once Obama is sworn in! Later
With Len, Dyan and Nick to the new Japanese/Chinese restaurant last night! The service absolutely sucked but the food was really good! I tried sushi for the first time in my life and I have to say- except for the mackerel, it was really good! I also got invited by a friend from work to go see a playoff NFL game in Tennessee! Work has been ho-hum this week and I have today off! My big plan was to go ice fishing with Sean, Jessi, Dad and some guys from work but I was afraid there wasn't any ice and decided not to risk it! OK, we discussed New Years goals at dinner last night so I will post them so they are in writing! 1. To lose 15 pounds! This will be the easiest of the four I think. I gave up doing cardio about a year ago and I guess I need to add that back to my regiment. I still do a ton of weights but they don't do much for losing weight! I gained about ten pounds over Thanksgiving and Christmas and I need to lose a few pounds so I look good in my bikini for the summer! LOL 2. Finish the bathroom in our bedroom! This should be the second easiest! Scott and I have about an hour or two left and it will be done. This one also includes tiling the other rooms Colleen wants to do and her shoe rack thingy. 3. Get my basement to a normal level so I can actually walk down there and not be ashamed! I want it insulated and if I dare, start framing and putting up real walls! It seems to flood down there every two months no matter what I do so I am worried about that! I would really like a work bench with tools and saw and stuff to make shelves for my wife since Kristie will not let it go! LOL 4. To seriously cut back on dipping or quit all together! I got some nicotine things from my wife but they turn me into a blubbering idiot! I take one and it is like I just smoked crack! Don't know if those are the answer or not! Well, once again- have a fantastic New Years and I hope it is a happy, profitable new year for everyone! Maybe the economy will wake up and things will turn around once Obama is sworn in! Later
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