Thursday, May 15, 2008

Round 1 - Turkeys

Round One Was Won By the Birds!
My vacation is over after today and I didn't get a bird! I called in a bunch of birds but none were shooters! This morning, I messed up everything I touched! I couldn't get out of my own way this morning and I tried to get cute and sneak all the way down to the brook and set up without the two toms that roost down there seeing me! Didn't work- they saw me and never gobbled at all! Then I went over to where we saw a big tom the other day and he was gobbling his head off when I got there! Thought I would cute with him and sneak in close and call him to me! He saw me, too and ran away! Then I went back out behind my house and didn't see or hear anything! I can hunt tomorrow morning then I have to go to work and then we are going to camp for the spring clean up and then my season is over until the last week. I don't know how hard I will hunt that week! The bugs will be really bad and the birds will be more scattered out then they are now! I probably will give them another shot knowing me but I think this year is going to end with no bird! I have had a great vacation though! I needed a break and am glad I got one! Not looking forward to the long week next week with me having to work Sunday and the mountain of paperwork that will surely be waiting for me! Well, off to work out and take a shower and get ready for Sean's baseball game! Later

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