It Has Felt Like...
A very busy week! We had our land leveled, cooked on an open fire, worked and wathced TV and have chilled out and relaxed! I am back on a good workout schedule- even though I can't quite get into Wii Fit like my wife has! I still like old fashion lifting weights better! Speaking of which, I need to work out in a few minutes and take a shower! Tomorrow is the last day of turkey season and I have not decided on whether or not I am going out for one last hour! I have to work tomorrow and I still am not sure if I am working on Monday or not- leaning towards no! My turkey season was a complete bust! I missed my second bird ever and never even had another shooter in range! I like riding to and from work with Jerry and I found out on the way home that he is off until Wednesday! Even more reason for me to not work Monday! The only problem is I am on call starting Monday and I need to get the cell phone! Speaking of Jerry, Saturday night is Zack and Jerry's birthday party and I am looking forward to it! I am not on call but I think it is my wife's turn to drink so we will see what happens! Well, off to work out and take a shower! Night
It should ALWAYS be my turn to drink ;-D
Well, I can't drink two weeks out of four! And I am NOT on call this weekend!
nice job leveling the land what a difference that makes. Good Job! Someday I gonna have to come visit and check out the Pad!
Please go to my blog and vote on Hat for my Northern Pike expidetion!
Hey you puss... You aren't gonna HAND SEED that! Of course you can borrow the push seeder BUT that is NOT how Appleweed would do it!
It looks great man... and thanks for coming over had a great time!
Fuck Appleweed! LOL! No state mix here my friend! I don't need Henry to come a knockin' if you know what I mean! Thanks for the seeder! Worked awesome!
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